
Between The Lines communications with Tyler Whitney

BTL Capitol Correspondent Todd Heywood contacted Tyler Whitney via phone on June 6, 2007. After identifying himself and telling Whitney he was calling about his apparent outing on the Conservative Dossier Blog, the phone went dead. Heywood then began an extensive email communication with Heywood, which follows:

June 6 2007

Heywood to Whitney:

Dear Mr. Whitney,
I was very sorry we were cut off mid-conversation today. I was sincerely hoping to discuss your coming out as we believe it is an interesting piece of information about a semi-public figure.
As you know, Between the Lines is the statewide LBGT newspaper for Michigan. What you may not be aware of is that while we strive to represent every voice in the LBGT community, some voices are lacking because they are unwilling to communicate with us. The gay conservative movement is one such voice lacking. Some perceive this as liberal bias, but in reality has more to do with an unwillingness by conservative leaders to talk with the gay media.
You are in an excellent position to help share the conservative message to the LBGT community, and we would very much like to share your story with our readers.
Let me be very clear here, however. Regardless of your participation or lack thereof, we are going to pursue a story on your coming out. Obviously we would very much like to be able to help the greater LBGT community understand your story, your activism and your voice. That can only be accomplished by your active participation in a story. If you decline to participate, with a "no comment," we understand that and will publish that.
So you understand, there is no ill intentions here, let me share with you some of the questions I specifically would like to ask you:
1. Were you aware that Joe Sylvester was going to publish the information which outed you on the Conservative Dossier? If not, how do you feel about that?
2. What has been the overall general reaction from your friends in the conservative movement to your coming out?
3. Tell us a little bit about your coming out process.
4. Tell us about your experience trying to print and distribute a conservative newspaper at East Lansing High School.
If you are willing to talk with me, I am more than willing to work with you. I very much honor the on the record/off the record relationship. I believe that when a source tells me something is off the record, that it is off the record. I have never broken that promise and I never would. My only caveat is that off the record comments must be identified as such BEFORE the statement is made. That way I can put my pen down, take my hands off the keyboard or the like.
If you would like, you are welcome to talk to me off the record first, so that you can see I have no ill intentions here. I merely want to share a voice not often heard in the LBGT community. It is a unique perspective.
As I called you, you already have my phone number. You can also respond to this email. I would obviously prefer if you are unwilling to talk at least the courtesy of an email or phone call saying no comment.
Thank you very much for your time, and I look forward to the opportunity to discuss your situation with you.
Todd A. Heywood
Capitol Correspondent
Between the Lines Newspaper

June 6, Whitney to Heywood

Todd,I'm sorry for ending our conversation so abruptly earlier. I was in the middle of a task and I was too busy to talk at the time.I'll try to give you a call sometime tonight or tomorrow morning and we can discuss things. I am in no way embarrassed and I have nothing to hide; in fact, I would very much enjoy doing an interview with Between the Lines. As a conservative, I still believe in equality and I think its important for all wings of the political spectrum to be accepting of the gay community.Once again, I apologize for not starting the interview earlier. You can expect to hear from me soon.
Truly,Tyler Whitney

June 6, Heywood to Whitney

I look forward to the opportunity to have this discussion with you. Thank you so much for getting back with me.
Todd A. Heywood
Capitol Correspondent
Between the Lines Newspaper

June 7, Heywood to Whitney

In the event you have misplaced my phone number it is XXX-XXX-XXXX. Thank you and I look forward to talking with you.
Todd A. Heywood
Capitol Correspondent
Between the Lines Newspaper

June 7, Whitney to Heywood

Can. We postpone this till friday? I am way busy todaySent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

June 7, Heywood to Whitney

Friday is fine. I can not push it much further back because of deadlines. What time would you like to do this?
Todd A. Heywood
Capitol Correspondent
Between the Lines Newspaper
At 7 p.m. June 7, Whitney calls Heywood on his cell phone leaving a voice message.

June 7, Heywood to Whitney

My apologies. I was at 1776 at Riverwalk Theatre when you called. I had shut off my phone and by the time I received your message it was 11:30 pm. I did not wish to call you so late. I will call you first thing in the morning, likely about 9 am. I look forward to chatting.

June 8 Heywood to Whitney

I attempted to call you this morning following an editorial meeting which dragged on for two and half hours ( 8am until 10:30) and I left you a message. I would like to do this interview today if at all possible. Thanks
June 8, Whitney to Heywood
ok i wont be able to call till tonight. is that ok?
June 8, Heywood to Whitney
That's OK, please let me know a time so I can be prepared thanks
June 8, Whitney to Heywood
I've decided that it would be best for me not to answer any questions about my personal life. I can't stop you from writing your story, but I'm only 18 years old and I don't see any reason why my personal life is of great interest to anyone. I would appreciate it if you would respect my privacy. Like I said, I can't stop you, but I would highly advise you against writing anything that is unsubstantiated. Sorry I can't help you, and best of luck with your article,Tyler Whitney.

June 9, Heywood to Whitney

Thank you for having the integrity to contact me and let me know your change of heart. I have to admit my disappointment, and frankly my concern.
First, this interview is not about your "personal life." I, and I suspect our readers, have no interest with whom you may or may not be engaging in sexual activity or what your sexual activity is. Instead we are interested in understanding how your sexual orientation, your identity, fits in with your conservative politics.
The reason this is of interest is because you have such close ties to the Michigan State University Young Americans for Freedom and its leader Kyle Bristow- both of which with a radical antigay agenda; your employment with Team Tancredo, which represents a presidential candidate with a terribly antigay voting record; your participation in an anti-human rights ordinance protest at Lansing City Hall on Nov. 20, at which you held a sign reading Go Back in the Closet. All of these have a direct bearing on the revealation of your sexual orientation. They raise the obvious questions, how can he be gay and work against the interest of the LBGT community?
Secondly, I have some concerns that the last letter you sent me was the result of undue pressure from some other person or organization. In your first letter you said you had "nothing to hide," and yet now you have changed this. The last letter in which you decline the interview appeared to me to be the work of another person.
Thirdly, let me give you a little advise from my public relations background. On something as explosive as coming out, you want to control the story– not the media outlet. If you fail to participate in the opening story talking about your sexuality, unfortunately, you will find yourself at the back end of the story, playing catch up. This leads to people questioning the honesty and integrity of your answers and explanations. If however those explanations and answers appear in conjunction with your coming out story, people are far more likely to listen and believe what you are saying. That is my personal advice from having handled lots of public relations situations in the past. Get in front, don't play catch up.
Fourth, you can rest assured that I do not published unsubstantiated rumors. In fact, I have known of your coming out process now for over two months, and specifically waited on reporting about it until such a time as it was obvious it was the proverbial cat coming out of the bag moment. Such a moment has arrived, when Joe Slyvester published the information he did. It is also obvious from responses posted to the Conservative Dossier that others are clearly aware of your coming out as well. And finally on this point, your own letters could easily be understood as a confirmation of your coming out.
In conclusion, Tyler, while I respect your request that I respect your privacy, but must inform you that I will move forward with the story. It is of great interest to everyone in the LBGT community I think. I will give you 24 hours to reconsider your decline to comment, and arrange a Sunday interview.
If you are receiving undue pressure from others to not discuss your sexuality, and you feel that your occupation or safety are in jeopardy, please consider calling the Triangle Foundation at 1-877-7-TRIANGLE. You can speak with executive director Jeffrey Montgomery, director of policy Sean Kosofsky or director of victim services Melissa Pope. All communications you have with them are confidential. You can also call Derek Smiertka executive director of Michigan Equality at 517-484-5120. Again him conversations with them will remain confidential.
Thank you again for your integrity in replying back to me. And I hope somehow we can find a way to work this out in such a way that both the BTL readers and you can begin the long dialogue towards understanding one and other.
Todd A. Heywood
Capitol Correspondent
Between the Lines Newspaper

CC- Susan Horowitz, Editor, Between the Lines Newspaper


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