
Billy Masters on the Logo debate

"Here's a problem I have. Marriage is hard to defend. The people who want to say 'we don't want gays to be married'…well, it's pretty hard to defend something that's breaking down day by day. The breakdown of marriage is…the heterosexual people are the people to blame for it. We're the people who are screwing it up." – Elisabeth Hasselbeck shows some change in her view toward gay marriage. Rosie, you may have done some good after all!

If I'm going to piss my readers off, I'm gonna do it right from the start. How uninteresting was the LGBT Forum? What did we learn? That any of the Democratic candidates are more pro-gay than all of the Republican candidates put together. YAWN! Everyone's talking about how historic it was, and how "our" issues were now front-and-center. I only heard about two issues (if you don't count the bark beetle): gay marriage and gays in the military. Seems to me that unless you wanna get married or join the military, there was nothing that related to you. Now, the AFL-CIO debate – THAT was interesting. Minimum wage, corporations screwing over workers, health insurance, pension funds being raided, Social Security possibly bankrupt. Those are things that affect all of us.

But, don't listen to me – I'm a little drunk. I just came home from a party thrown by Yes, even summering in Boston, I still go to swanky soirees. Alas, I was the most famous person there – which is never a good thing for a gossip columnist – or a soiree! Proprietor Larry Basile and I go WAY back, and former Channel One Releasing PR guru Rob Reimer has joined the Manhunt team. This ensures that there'll be more to write about in the days to come. It also ensures that my membership will survive yet another year!

Kathie Lee Gifford is reuniting with Regis Philbin on the morning of Sept. 14. Now, before anyone gets too excited, Kelly Rippa is going to be there, too. Maybe Michael Gelman will call in sick – or wear something really snazzy. Gelman says, "We've been waiting for the right time to have her back and this is a big event." Big event? Did hell freeze over? Actually, September marks the 20th anniversary of the syndicated talk show being on the air. And the person with Regis for the first 15 years was Kathie Lee. Don't look for Cindy Garvey to show up – she was pre-syndication, pre-Kathie Lee, even pre-Ann Abernathy (go look her up).

You may have heard that there'll be a gay couple moving into "Wisteria Lane." I wouldn't discuss the potential for some boy/boy action on "Desperate Housewives" until I had more facts, 'cause that's the kinda writer I am. Creator Marc Cherry has revealed that the house on Wisteria Lane once tragically occupied by Alfre Woodard will be bought by a gay couple. Cherry states that the reaction from the neighbors will draw largely from his own personal experiences. That couple will be played by Kevin Rahm and, be still my heart, our own Tuc Watkins. Rahm was on "Judging Amy," while Tuc is best known from "One Life To Live," although he's done his share of series-hopping. Perhaps now he'll get into a bit of bed-hopping. Here's hoping…

Last week, I reported that Andy "The Bachelor" Baldwin was going out of his way to proclaim his heterosexuality. This week, he and Tessa have broken their engagement. Quelle surprise! Andy says that they are very much in love, but since he may be relocated, they've put their engagement aside. Of course, he also says that any move wouldn't happen for at least a year. I think we can read between the lines on this one…

By the way, we have a new "Bachelor." His name is Brad Womack and he's a 34-year-old from Austin who co-owns a number of popular bars – bars that employ lots of hot, shirtless guys and are frequented by lots of sexy gals. But he can't find love? Uh, yeah! He already seems to be a walking anachronism. The producers are already calling him their very own McSteamy, while I'm dubbing him yet another ambiguously gay bachelor. You can see pics of him on our Web site.

I must send congrats out to Chad Doreck, one of the finalists from "Grease: You're The One That I Want." He was certainly one of the most qualified and suitable "Danny" contestants. Starting on Sept. 3, Doreck will be joining the cast of the off-Broadway hit "Altar Boyz" playing the role of "Matthew." Interestingly enough, one of Chad's reality show competitors, Jason Celaya, had played the role of "Matthew" in "Altar Boyz" just prior to the competition. See? It's all connected!

Little Zac Efron has had quite a year. From the phenomenon that was "High School Musical" (something I have successfully avoided entirely), to "Hairspray," to now "High School Musical 2", he's everywhere – and the girls and guys love him. We certainly enjoyed the semi-shirtless pic on the cover of "Rolling Stone," which shows a hint of tummy hair and body definition that only people with a waist size that begins with the number 2 enjoy (I long for those days). To see Zac completely shirtless, you'd have to go to where we'll display a number of photos of Zac frolicking on the beach.

Not to be outdone, "Radar" magazine has snagged a hot cover model – Prince Harry! There he is, sitting on a throne, clad in only boxers, an open robe, and drinking a can of beer! Too good to be true? That's 'cause the cover is a FAKE! Yes, the folks at "Radar" hired some anonymous model and simply stuck on Harry's head. It's positively scandalous – which is why I'll run the photo on our site anyway. Incidentally, that's the only fake we've got in our over 40,000 celebrity nudes…but who's counting?

Our "Ask Billy" question comes from Mark in Seattle: "What ever happened to hot model Joey Sayers? He was everywhere and you've covered him in the past. ut it's been about a year, and no news? No new nudes?"

Joey has decided to take some time off from the skin trade and go to college to get his bachelor's degree in pre-med, and hopes to attend medical school shortly thereafter. Sexy and smart, right? Maybe. In a recent interview, he comes off rather conservative: he bemoans that young people experiment with sex at an early age; that there is a diminishing religious effect in our society; and that there has been a disturbing drop in moral values. All this coming from a guy who posed naked (and fully-aroused) in a hotel room in Florida as a teenager. Well, that explains it! Thank God we still have those pics.

Could it be that a certain reality star is making subtle inquiries into the world of gay porn? We hear that this relative newbie has let it be known that he's available for a price – but only if he's dubbed "gay for pay." That might not be so bad if he weren't such a bottom. Of course, people would certainly line up to watch him slip on a pigskin before squealing, "Kaipa se ois ihan ookoo jos laittaisit mua aeaessiin!"

When "Bree" is bringing muffins to neighbors with their own baskets, it's definitely time to end another column. Summer is quickly coming to a close, and the new fall season will start any day now. I've been reminded of this because I've been chatting regularly with the person who will likely be the latest addition to "The View." As soon as her contract is signed, we'll do a special Podcast which you can download on In the meantime, keep your notes coming to [email protected] and I promise to get back to you before Jesse Metcalfe resurfaces as the gay couple's houseboy! Until next time, remember, one man's filth is another man's bible.
