
Tommy Blade brings sexy back

Chris Azzopardi

Wanna see more of Tommy Blade? Enter our porn giveaway contest and you could win a copy of "Bi-Back Mountain." Answer the question below and include your name, address and phone number in an e-mail (with "Tommy Blade" in the subject line) to [email protected]. Contest will end on Sept. 7, 2007.

Tommy Blade and Blake Riley

All Worlds Video Porn at the Pool
Aug. 30-Sept. 3
The Dunes Resort, Saugatuck

Forget the sporadic times Tommy Blade screws for money. This porn star is looking for a regular, resume-friendly job. It's driving the 26-year-old nuts, into a frenzy that causes him to unleash a playful hissy fit when he whines, like a PMS-ing woman, "I just wanna cry!"
Though he came onto the porn scene nearly two years ago with his chiseled, tat-covered upper bod, he left retail – which taught him how to tell people off, he jokes – just six months ago. Now, in between the every-four-month porn shoots, he's seeking something else. Something with this simple requirement: Clothes necessary.
"It's so hard to find a job out here. It sucks," Blade pouts from San Diego. For anyone who's ever doubted the 'tude of porn stars, Blade's just as bubbly as his butt (even when he's yawning like he's just inhaled a bottle of sleeping pills) and, to even the slightest optimist, totally flirty.
He'll parade around The Dunes Resort in Saugatuck during the All Worlds Video Porn at the Pool over Labor Day weekend – likely wearing little, schmoozing with a gaggle of gay guys, signing some autographs and doing some steamy dance numbers. To Justin Timberlake? It's entirely possible. The ripped hunk unleashes a few bars of the ubiquitous "What Goes Around … Comes Around," which suddenly switches on halfway into the interview. Blade admits it: He's a J.T. fan.
The star of "Sized Up" and "Bi-Back Mountain" – who's an equal opportunity top/bottom – gets his muscle buns plowed on a revolving platform in Chi Chi LaRue's upcoming filthy-fetish release "Link: The Evolution." Previous to filming, as with most pornos he stars in, Blade didn't ejaculate for several days. The 50-minute scene took about seven hours to shoot, which means drugs like Viagra were used to give his schlong the Energizer Bunny effect, with plenty of pauses to break up the sweaty action. Blade never gets pissy, though.
"If it was frustrating I would not be in it," he stresses, "because the people who are frustrated, you can totally tell on camera that they're frustrated."
And that's why Blade, a sucker for the all-American boyish guys, looks totally chill, feeding the camera his seductive stare and, no doubt, helping porn-watchers get off. Sure, to Blade, it affords him his digs in California. But to the rest of us, it affords an excuse to stay in for the night with a bottle of K-Y Jelly.
"I think it's hot," Blade insists, knowing fans are wanking to his films.
The meaty man, who frequently viewed Falcon Studios-produced videos but never put much effort into pursuing a job in the porn industry, submitted a couple of digital snapshots to the company with zero expectations. Several months later, he received a call back to star in his first Falcon flick.
Just like any working person, he's had days when he heads to a shoot and thinks: "I hate my job. It's stupid. It's pointless. I can do something better." But he shuts those thoughts out, and concentrates on what he needs to do: Give audiences the steamy sex they want. Has that ever involved screwing a guy he wasn't physically into? Absolutely.
"It's difficult," he says. "(But) you're forced to act like he's the best thing on earth, or you're forced to act like you're attracted to him, like he's the most beautiful man you've ever been with."
To reach that point, he turns his attention onto the entity that gets his adrenaline rushing, his penis hard and his tongue in gear: the male bod. "If he's got a great cock and a great ass, I'll just go there – and I'll us that as my advantage."
