
Gay man from Michigan honored with Rhodes Scholarship

Capitol Correspondent

Brett Masters of Charlotte, Michigan is off for a year of study at Oxford University thanks to the Rhodes Scholarship. Masters was one of 32 students selected from 750 applicants by the Rhodes Trust for the honor.
Masters is currently a senior in comparative literature at Princeton University. While an undergraduate student, Masters founded the Gay Family Rights Project. In addition, he works as a tutor and writes for the Princeton newspaper, The Daily Princetonian.
Masters also was a finalist for the national Dante prize of the Dante Society of America, and has won prizes in the humanities and writing. He plans to use his time at Oxford for medieval studies.
Rhodes Scholarships were created in 1902 by the will of British philanthropist Cecil Rhodes. Winners are selected on the basis of high academic achievement, personal integrity, leadership potential and physical vigor, among other attributes.
Calls and emails to Masters listed information at Princeton were not returned at press time.

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