
How's your LGBTPCIQ?

By Lisa Keen

How's your LGBT political consumer IQ?
Take a look at these competitors and pick which of each pair is the more LGBT friendly:
Lipton Tea or Celestial Seasonings?
Barnes & Noble or Borders?
Land's End or L.L. Bean?
Federal Express or UPS?
General Mills or Kellogg's?
Chances are, you've just made some wild guesses. But if you chose Lipton Tea, Borders, Land's End, UPS, and General Mills, you guessed wisely.
The latest "Buying for Equality" guide from the Human Rights Campaign, released at the start of this year's holiday spending craze, gave Lipton Tea a steaming score of 100 (perfect) compared to Celestial Seasonings (maker of Wild Berry Zinger and Sleepytime, to name just two) with a tepid 30. For the third year in a row -which is how long HRC has been publishing the guide– the Borders bookstore chain (with a score of 100) outstacked Barnes & Noble (with 63). Land's End earned a 100 over L.L. Bean's 73. UPS this year hoisted its first perfect rating, besting the ever-lagging Fed Ex's 55. And General Mills' 100 score beat Kellogg's 35 with a crunch.
The new guide -available free online– outdid itself from previous years, too -rating 519 companies, compared to 446 last year.
A record number of companies -195- earned a perfect 100 compared to last year's 138. (And it's interesting to note that only 13 companies achieved a 100 score in 2002, when the group first began collecting data.)
The average rating of all companies rated this year was 81. And only three companies rated the worst score of zero: Exxon Mobil, Meijer grocers, and Perot Systems, the technology firm former presidential candidate Ross Perot helped found.
The ratings are based on how well the companies adher to 11 criteria, including whether they have a written policy of non-discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity, equal benefits for employees with domestic partners, no use of negative stereotypes in advertising, and no policy of barring corporate contributions to LGBT charitable groups.
HRC sent its questionnaires out to 1,806 companies in all, receiving responses back from 23 percent of them (up slightly from 21 percent in the previous year). Ninety-eight percent of those responding said they had a written policy against sexual orientation discrimination, 58 percent included gender identity. (Only 46 percent of companies included gender identity the previous year.) Eighty-nine percent of the companies provided equal benefits to employees with domestic partners.
Some companies which have participated for the past three years have shown dramatic improvements in their scores, jumping from a "Red" category -which consumers are urged to avoid–to a "Yellow" -which is considered to be making progress, or a "Green" -which is recommended.
Haagen-Dazs ice cream rose from a Red category score of 15 last year to a Green 100 this year. The grocery chain Kroger jumped from a Red 35 to a Yellow 75 in one year. And Domino's Pizza rose from a Red 45 to a Yellow 60.
According to HRC, the buyers' guide for last year was downloaded more than 250,000 times, suggesting a sizeable number of LGBT consumers care where they spend their money. And, according to the Witeck-Combs research firm, LGBT consumer dollars amount to about $723 billion in spending each year.
As helpful as the guide is for LGBT consumers who prefer to take their business to an LGBT-friendly store, there are complications and limitations, some of which HRC attempted to address this year. Because not every company responded, the consumer is not always able to do comparison shopping. For instance, while McDonald's fast food chain earned an 85 score, there is no score for Burger King, Burger Chef, Hardee's, Wendy's, KFC, or Taco Bell. A footnote this year indicates that KFC and Taco Bell did not respond to the survey, but it says nothing of the other companies.
And, of course, the HRC guide does not consider other factors which may be of equal or greater importance to LGBT consumers. It does not consider whether the company's political action committee gives money to gay friendly or gay hostile political candidates. It does not consider whether the companies' practices may be unethical or its products offensive. For instance, Iams dog food earned an 85 percent from HRC, compared to Purina's 15. But according to People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, the Iams company keeps its research animals under cruel conditions. Abercrombie & Fitch clothing company earned a 100 percent from HRC, but the Ms Foundation has urged a boycott of the company because it sells tee-shirts for women with such condescending slogans as "With These, Who Needs Brains…"
It doesn't take much brain power to put the Buying for Equality research into action, but it does take a lot of commitment -to go the extra mile to reach the store with the superior LGBT rating, and, in some cases, to pay the extra dollar for a product at K-Mart instead of Wal-Mart. But, by "purchasing products from companies supporting GLBT equality," said HRC President Joe Solmonese, in a statement releasing the report, "shoppers are sending a clear message that will directly impact a company's bottom line."

To download a copy of "Buying for Equality 2008" go to
