
McCain campaign 'Robo-Call' exploits anti-gay prejudice

WASHINGTON – The Human Rights Campaign, responding to an automated "robo-call" released Monday in Florida by the presidential campaign of Sen. John McCain said in a press release,
"It's ironic that Sen. John McCain is using the same tactics that George Bush used against him in 2000; surreptiously trying to exploit anti-gay prejudice for votes," said President Joe Solmonese. "…So much for John McCain being above that."
Text of the call as reported by the Politico:
"I'm calling with an urgent Mitt Romney [unintelligible]
"We care deeply about traditional values and protecting families. And we need someone who will not waver in the White House: Ending abortion, preserving the sanctity of marriage, stopping the trash on the airwaves and attempts to ban God from every corner of society. These issues are core to our being.
"Mitt Romney thinks he can fool us. He supported abortion on demand, even allowed a law mandating taxpayer-funding for abortion. He says he changed his mind, but he still hasn't changed the law. He told gay organizers in Massachusetts he would be a stronger advocate for special rights than even Ted Kennedy. Now, it's something different.
"Unfortunately, on issue after issue Mitt Romney has treated social issues voters as fools, thinking we won't catch on. Sorry, Mitt, we know you aren't trustworthy on the most important issue and you aren't a conservative
"Paid for by John McCain 2008.
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