
Tulua, Colombia, bans men from back of motorcycles

by Rex Wockner

International News

In an effort to fight crime, the city government of Tulua, Colombia, has banned men from riding on the seat of a motorcycle behind the driver.
The move upset gay groups, who said it also prevents gay male couples from traveling together.
Motorcycles and scooters are a common mode of transport in Colombia, but also are used by criminals to make a quick getaway after a mugging or shooting, with the perpetrator hopping on the seat behind the driver, said New York activist Andres Duque, a native of Colombia.
After gay activists complained that the policy violates their rights to equality, free mobility and the freedom to develop their personality, the mayor's office said it would exempt gay men from the law if the office received a list of the names of local homosexuals.
Gay activists rejected that idea and will meet with the mayor's office to consider other solutions to the conundrum.
Tulua, located in the Cauca Valley, has about 200,000 residents.

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