
Jay Leno supports same-sex marriage

by Rex Wockner

TV talk show host Jay Leno expressed unequivocal support for same-sex marriage on his Oct. 1 broadcast.
During a chat with out talk show host Ellen DeGeneres, Leno said: "I come from Massachusetts, and they've had it in Massachusetts for a long time. And it's fine. The world doesn't collapse.
"You know, I must admit, I go to West Hollywood – people know that's the gay area. The nicest area, the cleanest area, the safest area. I mean, I don't get it. I mean, if two people want to have something together – the economy is falling apart, I don't care what you do!"
DeGeneres said to Leno, "They are trying to … stop gay people from marrying, like somehow Portia and I staying at home watching Dancing With the Stars is affecting anybody."

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