
One million and prime minister's wife at London Pride

by Rex Wockner

International News Briefs

One million people and Sarah Brown, wife of Prime Minister Gordon Brown, took part in London's gay pride parade July 4.
Mrs. Brown carried a red, white and pink Union Jack flag.
Members of the military marched in uniform, as did firefighters and a contingent from British Airways.
Prior to the march, Mr. Brown met with organizers at his residence and said the United Kingdom has made "massive strides" in the march toward gay equality.
Marriage is almost the last thing on the agenda for British GLBTs. An existing civil partnership law grants registered same-sex couples all the rights of marriage.
Noted gay activist Peter Tatchell carried a sign in the parade that read: "Gordon & Sarah can marry, gays can't. End the ban on gay marriage." He wore a T-shirt that said "Homo Liberte, Egalite, Sexualite."
