
Corvino to debate same-sex marriage at University of Detroit Mercy

Two groups from the University of Detroit Mercy School of Law – the UDM OutLaws, a gay activism group, and the school's chapter of the conservative Federalist Society – have joined forces to bring a debate on same-sex marriage to the school. The event, titled "Gay Marriage: For Better or For Worse," will take place at UDM's law school atrium from 1:15-3:15 March 31. The atrium is located at 651 E. Jefferson in Detroit.
Wayne State University philosophy professor, author and activist Dr. John Corvino will be debating the issue with Jeffery Ventrella, senior vice president of the Office of Strategic Training with the Alliance Defense Fund.
the UDM OutLaws have called upon Corvino to speak in favor of same-sex marriage. Corgino is a veteran of the speaker circuit in regard to the issue of gay marriage and is currently working on a book with the National Organization for Marriage's Maggie Gallagher. Corvino also writes a weekly column, The Gay Moralist, published both by and Between The Lines.
Jeffery Ventrella, as a representative of the conservative, Christian non-profit the Alliance Defense Fund, has been published in legal journals, law reviews and periodicals. Most recently, Ventrella has testified before a senate subcommittee concerning the federal marriage amendment.
"In the past, it was strictly an event hosted by the LGBT group here," explained OutLaws President Jonathan Kung of the annual event. "What I wanted to do this year was to bring in an opposing voice, not in the spirit of enmity, but in the hopes of providing two perspectives to this highly debated issue.
"I hope to humanize people from both sides, regardless of the opposing and oftentimes passionate points of view."
"Institutions tend to shy away from this type of event, or they fail to provide equal time to both sides," added Federalist Society President Jeff Wiggins. "We feel this will afford students the opportunity to hear intellectual debate from two qualified individuals, thus allowing students to decide for themselves."
For more information, contact Kung at [email protected] or Wiggins at [email protected].
