
Brent Everett's big surprise

Chris Azzopardi

Good thing a picture is worth a thousand words. We barely got that many out of Brent Everett during a recent chat with the porn star, who punctuated every statement with a giddy schoolgirl laugh and seemed to know better ways to work his mouth. And if you've seen any of his gay adult films, you know he does.
Before flirting with the boys on May 21 at Ice Nightclub in Hamtramck, the 27-year-old porn star spoke with Between The Lines about his twin fantasy-come-true, bareback porn and growing out of his twink phase.

What's up, Brent?
It's been pretty crazy. I was shooting a new movie for Channel 1 Releasing with a guy named Dante, and it was really hot. We just wrapped on it. It'll be a really good movie.

Who's this Dante guy?
He's a newcomer to the industry. A hot Latin boy. He's good at what he does.

Which is?
(Laughs) Well, I actually bottomed in this movie. It's the first of my new contract. I just signed a new two-year exclusive with Channel 1.

Have you been to Detroit before?
No, I've never been to Detroit. I'm super excited. I can't wait.

What should we look forward to?
I usually have two erotic performances, and I'm supposed to get away with a little bit more, too. (Laughs)
I try to push boundaries with my show, so I'm also introducing a whole new – should I say it? – it's a big surprise. I'll be doing a lot of giveaways – DVDs and stuff – and an autograph signing and meet-and-greet.

Is the big surprise what I think it might be?
Probably. (Laughs)

You're going on 10 years in the adult film industry. Looking back, what do you remember from your first porn shoot?
Oh, wow. Hmm, so long ago. It actually wasn't a very good experience. The shoot went really long and after that I actually said I would never do porn again.

That bad?
It was pretty bad. I don't even know if the company's around any more.

Are you happy that you've outgrown your twink phase?
I guess so. Yeah, a little bit. I like how I can experience anything I want now. I'm not limited by just a stereotype and a category.

Do you feel like there's an expiration to your porn career?
No. (Laughs) This is what I was meant to do. I'm expanding. I'm behind the camera a lot more and I'm expanding my company and going into other ventures through that, and if I'm not in front of the camera forever, I'll definitely be behind the camera for the rest of my days.

What are your other ambitions?
I just started painting. I've actually been contacted to do some openings in art galleries in L.A. and San Diego.

What kind of work?
It's modern, contemporary. It's not even paintings; it's art pieces.

How'd you get into painting?
Um, it just kind of hit me one day and I just started doing it.

What's been your favorite film to work on?
Definitely the movie "Wanting More" or "Brother Fucker," which was one of the funnest, because I got to fuck twins – and ya know, how big of a fantasy is that for most people?

You've been married to Steve Pena for nearly four years; did you ever think you'd be a married man?
Oh yeah. It's amazing. It's really an amazing feeling to know that you have someone there for you for the rest of your life and to support you through thick and thin.

Are there challenges?
There are challenges in any relationship, but it's just about open communication. That's probably the biggest hurdle that we go through.

The AIDS Healthcare Foundation has been fighting bareback porn, which you've done before. How do you feel about that?
I'm an advocate for safe sex, you know. But to each his own. It was only one time. I'm a very big advocate for safe sex.

Does it send the wrong message to people that unsafe sex is the only kind of sex that's good?
Well, we want to advocate safe sex for everybody. I think that everyone should use condoms, for sure.

Besides painting and porn, do you have other ambitions?
Uhh, really, this is what I love doing. I have so many different outlets that I get to put my creativity toward that I really don't have any need or want to do anything outside of this. I get to do carpentry and build sets; I get to write, and I get to do design work with web. Everything I want to do I am doing right now.
There is so much more than fucking and sucking than people realize. It just opens so many doors and opportunities; it's amazing. I wouldn't want to do anything else, that's for sure.

What are some songs you like to get busy to?
Hmm. I don't really listen to music when I'm having sex. I like the natural sounds better. (Laughs)

Grunting and moaning?
Yeah, that's my music playlist.


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