
Leadership Retreat Aug. 21

The Unity Michigan Coalition and the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force are convening LGBT and progressive leaders interested in building support for and advancing local and statewide non-discrimination ordinances.
A 3-day "Power Summit" will be dedicated to giving grassroots advocates hands-on experience and skills for building collective power on Oct. 14 – 16. To plan the summit, the organizations are planning a Leadership Retreat on Sunday, Aug. 21 at the Kellogg Center in Lansing from 10:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
The Leadership Retreat is intended for current and future leaders of efforts to pass nondiscrimination laws at the local level.
To attend, please contact Roland at [email protected] or 313-910-5238, or Moof at [email protected] or 323-854-3287.
The Unity Michigan Coalition is a coalition of organizations working to achieve nondiscrimination protections inclusive of sexual orientation and gender identity for all people in Michigan as efficiently and quickly as possible. Currently, the Unity Michigan Coalition includes the ACLU of Michigan, Affirmations Community Center, Equality Michigan, KICK, Michigan Roundtable for Diversity and Inclusion, and Ruth Ellis Center. The Unity Michigan Coalition is always looking to strategically expand its membership to include any organization — primarily LGBT serving or not — that can significantly advance the goals of the coalition.

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