
Heard on Facebook: California colleges are wondering if they should ask if you are gay on their applications! What could the benefits and drawbacks be?

How would the kids who are not out to their parents answer these types of questions? You have to consider how much good versus how much damage acquiring that info could do. Good luck finding that balance.
-Cathy Spoiala
I'm sure there would be a "Prefer Not To Disclose" option, similar to that offered for marking race, ethnicity and religion on college applications.
-University of Michigan Spectrum Center
A very important benefit would be to increase our knowledge of how many of us identify as lesbian, gay or bisexual. Currently, the data's incomplete at best. If every school did this, the sample would be much larger.
-Meghan Eagen-Torkko
While I see what the benefits might be, having it tied to applications would seem to mean they would be tied to people's names, which just seems overly personal to me. In any case, it still doesn't seem clear what the benefit of knowing this information is, given how it could be misused. I wouldn't trust every college board or even most to be completely and totally fair with this information.
-Robert Burgos
I can understand why the colleges would want this type of demographic data, however it is also data they could manipulate when considering things like housing, for instance. It leaves too much room for segregation, in my opinion.
-Christan Alldaffer Bulin

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