
Rudy Serra, State Rep 27th District

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Read about Rudy Serra, State Rep 27th District

Serra is a double major graduate from Central Michigan University with a Doctorate from Wayne State. Serra's father was a U.S. Army Airborne Ranger in Special Forces in World War 2, Korea and Vietnam. Serra has spent his career as a former Ferndale school board member, substitute teacher, former Oakland County Commissioner representing Ferndale and Royal Oak and is also a former Human Rights Commissioner for the City of Detroit. Serra was elected Michigan Lawyer of the Year for 2000 and was a Torch Bearer in the 2002 Winter Olympic Torch Marathon. He has been published by many academic and national human rights journals and, in addition to practicing law for 30 years, is a former Adjunct Professor of Communication Studies at the University of Detroit Mercy.
"Michigan has no openly LGBT legislatures. This [the Primary] will decide the next six years," Serra said. "We have obsolete, unconstitutional criminal laws that need to be taken care of."
Being a member of the Michgan legislature will give Serra an opportunity to change laws, which he really wants to fight for.
"We're still a minority member," Serra said. "What we can do for constituents is very important. I have a license to practice social work, and as far as constituent services, I think I can offer more in terms of advocacy skills."
Serra is the only openly gay candidate in his district and is the first openly gay District Judge in Michigan.
"It's been a huge journey, lots of things have changed," Serra jested. "But the battle isn't over. We continue to fight over and over again, and I hope we make the right choices and the right votes."

Serra on the Issues: Along with introducing legislation to reform the unconstitutional anti-gay criminal laws and to add sexual orientation and gender identity to the Elliott-Larsen Civil Rights Act, Serra will fight for improving the job market and strengthening public schools when he gets into office. He wants to add more preschool programs and basic college courses. Serra opposes Gov. Snyder's tax on retirement income and will work to repeal Snyder's "Right to Work" law. He will work hard for a woman's right to choose and will fight against air pollution and chemical dumping in the water supply.

Serra Endorsements
Nan Melke, Paul Stevenson, Nancy Skinner, Jack Faxton, Eric Wilson, Patrick and Diane Dengate and Robert A. Sedler are on the long list of individual endorsements that Serra has received. Most notable of which are former governor Jennifer Granholm and former Governor James Blanchard. Serra has been endorsed by The Justice Caucus.
Rudy Serra's district, 27

Learn more at Michigan Democratic LGBT & Allies Caucus
