
GOP National Committeeman Calls Islam 'Biggest Threat to the World Today'

Republican National Committeeman and former state lawmaker, Dave Agema, is at it again. This time, he has declared in a public Facebook post that Islam is "the biggest threat to the world today." The post was made shortly before 8:45 a.m. on Sept. 22 on Agema's "politician" wall.

Dave Agema.

The full Facebook post from Agema states:
"It is not a fluke that Obama has finally taken action on radical Islam. He needs to seem he's in control since he has been so weak. He also realizes there are elections coming up and he needs to appear to be in control for the benefit of his party. The Saudis, the Turkish government and many others are complicit in feeding radical Islam out of fear of losing their own support and regimes. Yes, we are at war, but we've been at war for several years without the American public knowing it.
"The military has been extremely frustrated in the past. They should be able to fight to win. Eliminating ground troops is simply telling the enemy what he's going to do- -STUPID! Obama refuses to acknowledge that Islam either is fighting us or each other, but it is the biggest threat to the world today, not global warming.
"This will take the public's attention away from the egregious behavior of a lawless president. Appearances are everything to a politician. What we need now is the president to eliminate the enemy completely, not just play around the edges as he has so eloquently done in the past."
Agema has long been a vocal leader of stopping Sharia Law – a strict Islamic law based on the Koran – from being implemented in American courts. Never mind that it's not happening, because for Agema, it is a simple equation: Islam = bad.
This is, of course, the same Agema who pals around with a guy who is likely a fake former terrorist. And why is it OK to pal around with a guy who claims to have smuggled weapons into the U.S. to wage war against our country? Well, the guy's a Christian now, so all is forgiven. 'Cause you know, Jesus.
Agema's Facebook has been a constant source of controversy for the conservative leader of the GOP. He came under fire for posting anti-gay information linked to a white nationalist. That got him a rebuke by virtually all the major leaders of his party in the state, with the exception of one – Terri Lynn Land, who served on the National GOP Committee with Agema. What's she gonna say to this one?


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