
Affirmations Hosts Information Session On LGBT Foster Parenting And Adoption

This month, Ennis Center for Children and Affirmations will present "Exploring Foster Parenting and Adoption for Singles and Couples." Topics at the event include an overview of the foster care system, information on the process of becoming a foster parent and legal options for foster care and adoption.
"All children deserve to grow up in a safe and loving home. Ennis Center is looking to meet couples and individuals within the LGBT community who are interested in and passionate about caring for children. We invite anyone who would like to start or expand their family to come learn more about foster care and adoption and how they can help change the lives of children who have experienced abuse, neglect or abandonment," said Erin Wright, Community Liaison at Ennis Center for Children.
Ennis Center helps create family stability and permanent homes for children of all ages who are in crisis. Most of the children Ennis Center serves come from at-risk backgrounds. All of them have been abused, neglected or abandoned and are emotionally fragile, but these children are able to cope and thrive when they are provided with a stable and nurturing home. Placing a child in a loving foster home is only the first step to creating a brighter future. By providing an array of support programs such as family preservation, mental and behavioral health services, juvenile delinquency prevention and adoption services, Ennis Center addresses a child's problems at the roots to prevent the need for future intervention. For more information, please visit
The need for foster parents to care for, support and in many cases provide permanency for Michigan's abused and neglected youth has never been greater. Ennis Center believes that finding and supporting positive and nurturing homes for vulnerable children is important to child development and community stability.
"Within the LGBT community, the decision to become a parent is made very intentionally and can involve several different factors", said Cass Varner, Director of Communications. "It's great to know Ennis Center recognizes the value of quality parenting found in the LGBT community."
The panel discussion will take place from 6:30-7:30 p.m. on Wednesday, Dec. 10 at Affirmations, 290 W. Nine Mile Road, Ferndale. For more information, visit http://www.GoAffirmations.orgor contact Erin Wright at 248-334-2720 or [email protected].
