
Prayer Vigil Will Be Held Eve Of Same-Sex Marriage Case

"All God's Children Work Group" will host a indoor, interfaith prayer vigil the night before the Supreme Court is scheduled to hear arguments on same-sex marriage. The organization's chair, Elyse Kitrakis, states, "As you may know, the Supreme Court will hear arguments for and against gay marriage on April 28, 2015. The magnitude of the decision in this case is huge. It will be one of the major defining moments in the LGBT civil rights movement of the 21st century. The DeBoer v. Snyder Case along with three other cases from Ohio, Kentucky and Tennessee will be presented to the Supreme Court. Because of the importance of this case to advance equality for all people, All God's Children/TAMFS-MI will be holding a prayer vigil on April 27.
"All God's Children is a work group under the Social Justice and Peacemaking Committee of the Presbytery of Detroit. We are committed to helping our denomination better understand the importance of offering a fully inclusive welcome to All of God's Children, especially our lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender brothers and sisters. In addition, we provide outreach to the LGBT community, to share the depth of God's unconditional love for those who have been hurt by the rhetoric of so many faith communities."
The vigil will be held from 7 p.m. until 7 a.m. beginning April 27 at the rear entrance of Covenant Presbyterian Church, 21575 W. 10 Mile Road, Southfield. Participants are urged to come for either a few minutes or a few hours. For more information, contact Elyse at 248-721-1209 or [email protected].
