
Ann Arbor Musician Releases LGBT-Themed Video

Pink fingernails, animated drag queens, a seven piece funk band performing in a field of kale and couples in love all converge in Chris Good's latest music video project. Featured in the video, the song "Beautiful" is part anthem of self-love, part celebration of diversity and part call to action.
When native Hoosier and Ann Arbor singer-songwriter Chris Good scheduled to release his music video "Beautiful" at the end of March, he had no idea the media storm over his home state of Indiana's new controversial Religious Freedom law was about to hit, or that similar efforts were underway to pass a similar law in Michigan.
"But the timing is perfect," comments Chris, "because the song speaks directly against the genesis of the legislation that discrimination against members of the LGBT community is OK." Good premiered the video on March 27 at a fundraiser for Jayne Rowse and April DeBoer, whose upcoming Supreme Court case will help determine the future of gay marriage in the United States.
Watch the video here:
Asked about the song's origins, Good recounts that it was originally written after a controversy erupted on certain media outlets after a J.Crew catalogue featured a mom and her 5-year-old son playing with pink nail polish. He says, "The media backlash over the catalogue's cover image struck me as symbolic for how far we still have to go for full equality for the queer community and how much fear is still present in the minds and hearts of so many when it comes to sexuality and gender. My hope for the song was that it would be an uplifting, affirming and powerful piece that would remind people how beautiful they are no matter who they choose to love or who they choose to be."
"Beautiful" is the title track off Good's 2012 debut album featuring many familiar musicians in the Ann Arbor music scene, including Brennan Andes and Ross Huff of The Macpodz, Randall Moore from The Ragbirds and a special guest appearance by Theo Katzman. "The song has always been one of my favorites to perform," explains Good. "It's an opportunity during shows for me, the band and the listeners to all sing together, acknowledge the beauty in ourselves and each other and find some humor in an issue that is often full of pain and divisiveness."
Good has worked in the Ann Arbor area as an organic vegetable farmer for more than 10 years and is currently the Executive Director of Think Local First of Washtenaw County. He also wrote and produced the community-supported "Buy Local" music video project in late 2013, a collaboration of more than 50 area businesses, organizations and musicians.
Both the "Buy Local" and "Beautiful" projects feature the production work of Dave Schall of Dave Schall Acoustic as well as local artist and animator, Grace Rother.
