
State Senate Committee Passes Adoption Discrimination Bills

A Michigan Senate Committee has approved, on a party line vote, a three bill package opponents say would codify discrimination by adoption agencies.
The committee — Family, Seniors and Human Services — voted the three bills out 4-1 after rejection amendments offered by the only Democrat on the panel.
Sen. Bert Johnson, D-Highland Park, offered six amendments, the Detroit News reports. Some of those amendments would have prohibited agencies from denying services if it is not in the best interest of the child, require agencies to post online in what situations they would deny services and require agencies to follow federal and state civil rights laws.
Supporters of the legislation — including the bills' sponsor State Rep. Eric Leutheuser, R-Hillsdale — say the bills do not allow agencies to deny services and have characterized the legislation as "rescue and refer" rules.
The bills are headed to the full state Senate, which has a super majority control by the GOP. But Senate Majority Leader Arlan Meekhof's spokesperson Amber McCann told MLive that there is no rush to approve the bills in the Senate.
McCann said the leader wanted to make sure Gov. Rick Snyder, also a Republican, would sign the bill. His office has said there are concerns the bills could lead to lawsuits.
