
Ferndale Author To Launch Second Lesbian Romance Novel


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FERNDALE – Michigan author Carol Popovich (C.A. Popovich) is releasing her second novel, "The Courage to Try."
Popovich began writing as a youth, chronicling her life in Michigan. She graduated from Troy High School and pursued an associate's degree in industrial technology from Macomb Community College. She worked for automotive suppliers as an AutoCAD operator until 2014 when she began writing full time.
Popovich was exposed to a multi-cultural and multi-lingual environment at a young age after her parents adopted her following their immigration to the U.S. from Yugoslavia after World War II. Popovich has written short stories and poems and has recently completed a first draft of her parents' story immigrating to the U.S.
Once she discovered the works of Radclyffe, an American lesbian romance novelist focusing on paranormal and erotic romance and mystery, Popovich transitioned from poetry to more intricate stories.
Her debut novel, "Edge of Awareness," was published by Bold Strokes Books in the fall of 2014 and the sequel is scheduled for release in October of this year.
In an exclusive interview, Popovich revealed to Between the Lines that she didn't live an out lifestyle until she was published by Bold Strokes Books. After attending Women's Week in Provincetown, Massachusetts as a published author, she knew she would forever be visible as a lesbian romance novelist.
How do you feel early experiences in journaling helped you become a good writer?
I've kept a journal since I was a teenager, and I think that experience has kept me focused on writing. Journaling is very different from writing a novel. However, I think the act of writing daily, even in a journal, has value.
"Edge of Awareness" touches on divorce, the sexuality spectrum and changing family dynamics. Why is it important to showcase those life events in romance novels?
"Edge of Awareness" began as the story of a dog groomer, Dana, and her journey toward finding love. As I wrote it, my second character began to become more prominent. I know quite a few lesbians who've struggled to reconcile their sexuality with their Christianity, and I decided to make that struggle Maria's. Not all lesbians recognize their sexuality at a young age, and many wrestle with accepting themselves when they find they've fallen in love with a woman. I think it can be especially difficult if they've been married to men and have children.
Fiction is not reality, but it must be believable. It actually needs to be more believable than real life. When I wrote about my character's lives, I chose realistic family dynamics that would fit with who I wanted my characters to be. I wanted my readers to be able to recognize and relate to the characters and to the lives that made them who they were.
Radclyffe was a turning point for the direction of your works. Can you describe what you were feeling as you chose to write romance, specifically LGBT-focused romance?
I lost my automotive related job like so many others in 2008 and spent the summer of unemployment reading Radclyffe and other wonderful lesbian authors. I had only been writing short stories up until then, and it was after reading Radclyffe's romances that I knew what I wanted to read and write. Her work touched me in a way none other had. I saw in her books a reflection of who I was. I felt a validation of my lesbianism and the passion of love.
You've got a sequel coming out in October — what do you think you'll pursue after that release?
My second novel, "The Courage to Try," is not really a sequel to the first one, but one of the main characters is Dr. Jaylin Meyers who first appeared in "Edge of Awareness." It's her love story with a sexy vet tech who rides an Appaloosa and shoots skeet. It deals a bit with aging parents and the challenge that brings, as well as the struggles of recovery from codependency.
I've been pondering my third book while working on edits. It will probably be the story of one of the characters from the second book, but I haven't finalized the details yet. My intention is to create a new love story for someone from each novel and probably move them around Michigan. I've heard it said often, "Write what you know." I love the lakes and greenery of Michigan, and since I've lived here all my life, I figure I can use it as my stage.
