
Infidelity, Snyder FRC And White Supremacy

Political Hors D'oeuvres

{Gamrat And Course Rumors}
The rumors about Reps. Cindy Gamrat and Todd Courser have been flying fast and furious around the Capitol City. Rumor has it the two tea party darlings and traditional family values Republicans were caught in the midst of a tryst by Gamrat's husband, Joe. A loud confrontation at the Radisson Hotel in downtown Lansing ensued, resulting in a dispatch to the hotel of Lansing Police, the rumor says.
Between The Lines opted not to report on this rumor until there was something more than the political gossip that swirls through Lansing on a regular basis. BTL filed a Freedom of Information Act Request with the Lansing Police Department seeking any and all police records, including 911 calls, involving Todd Courser, Cindy Gamrat and Joe Gamrat dating back to November 2014.
That request was denied because the Lansing Police Department had no records involving any of the three. If police were dispatched to the Radisson Hotel on a noise disturbance, as the rumor goes, there would have been 911 dispatch tapes and an incident report.

Snyder Accused Of Attending Family Research Council Event

TwoCare, a publication of Truth Wins Out, published a blog post (since removed) on June 21, alleging Gov. Rick Snyder attended a March 19, 2015 Family Research Council event in Washington D.C.
"Up on a giant video screen before the audience appeared an image of a line of battle fatigue-clad legs and combat boots, with the title 'I am a Soldier of the Cross. Here I stand!' Continued (Kenyn) Cureton," the website reports. "'The Lord Jesus Christ is my commanding officer. The Bible is my code of conduct. Prayer and The Word of the weapons of my warfare. Say it — 'I am a soldier of the Cross. Here I stand. I have been taught by the Holy Spirit, tried by adversity and tested by fire. I will either retire at 'The Rapture' or die in service to my king. I will not back up or let up or shut up until they take me out or he takes me out!"
The post continues, "The camera then panned to a closeup of Gov. Rick Snyder, nodding with enthusiasm as Cureton bellowed out, "Say it! I am a Soldier of the Cross! Here I stand!" As Cureton shouted "stand," Snyder rose to his feet."
Except the man identified as Snyder is not Gov. Rick Snyder.
"This is ridiculous," said David Murray, a spokesperson for Snyder. "That doesn't even look like the governor."
So where was Snyder on March 19, 2015?
"The governor was not at that event. He started the day with two live radio interviews, then appeared at a fire station in Dearborn to kick off the 'Safe Roads Yes' campaign, then met with the editorial boards at the Free Press and Crain's, then conducted another radio interview," Murray said.

Presidential Politics And White Supremacy Donations

In light of the massacre of nine African-American churchgoers in Charleston, South Carolina, the media has turned its attention to the donations given to GOP Presidential hopefuls by Earl Holt III, president of the Council of Conservative Citizens.
Sen. Ted Cruz announced he was returning Holt's $8,500 in donations. Two other hopefuls have received donations from Holt, reports the New York Times — Sen. Rand Paul of Kentucky and former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum. Neither campaign responded to the Times as to what they intended to do with the donations.
The Council of Conservative Citizens was cited by accused shooter Dylann Roof, 21, in his web published manifesto.
