
Washtenaw Pride Picnic Seeks Hosts, Sponsors

By BTL Staff

The Jim Toy Community Center is hosting its annual Washtenaw Pride Picnic this August and is looking for hosts and sponsors for the event.
At the $100-249 level, host benefits include: name included on Facebook and email invitations; name prominently displayed at JTCC where community members meet prior to the picnic and following 30 days after the picnic; and the option of tabling at the picnic to promote products, goods, projects or campaigns. Contributions between $100 and $249 put
Contributions of $250-500 put benefactors at sponsor level. Sponsor benefits include: sponsor logos and names included on Facebook event graphic, flyer and emails to JTCC member listserver; sponsor name displayed prominently during the picnic; verbal recognition during announcements at picnic; logos and sponsor name displayed at JTCC prior to and 30 days followin the picnic; prominent display of name beside a product if specifically sponsored (such as a sign by hot dogs if a person or business sponsors the grill or hot dogs); and an option of tabling at the picnic to promote products, goods, projects or campaigns.
The deadline for sponsor confirmations and logos is July 17.
The picnic will take place from 12-3 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 1 in Ann Arbor's Allmendinger Park. Admission to the picnic is $5 for adults and free for children 18 and under. All proceeds benefit the center. For more information, visit
