
Comedy Benefit For Dearborn Candidate Brian Stone

DEARBORN –Internationally-acclaimed comedian Amer Zahr is hosting a comedy benefit for openly gay Democratic state house candidate Brian Stone Friday at 7 p.m. at the Lebanese American Heritage Club on 4337 Maple in Dearborn. Tickets are $10 and include hors d'oeuvres and refreshments donated by Baba's Grill.
Zahr, a Dearborn resident, Palestinian rights advocate, comedian and professor of law, endorsed Stone and is using his celebrity to support Stone's campaign.
"I'm happy to be supporting Brian Stone and performing at his benefit in Dearborn," said Zahr. "We need to support him."
Stone is a Navy veteran who is the only registered candidate running for the Democratic nomination for the state house in district 15, which is all within the city of Dearborn. Stone said that he hopes the fundraiser will attract Arab American youth to come out and get engaged with state-level politics.
"I wanted to have a fundraiser that made people laugh and feel good about themselves," said Stone. "Anything I can do to get young Arab Americans more engaged in the political process is a good thing. Everyone's voice should be heard in the coming election."
Stone is working hard as the frontrunner in his race and has already held several fundraisers and knocked on thousands of doors in Dearborn in a listening campaign.
"I don't know a harder working candidate," said Diana Hussein, Stone's communications director. "I love his activism for the Arab American community. I think this is just a continuation of Brian's outreach to groups in Dearborn that traditionally are not included."
Stone has been a prominent voice in speaking out against Islamophobia and discrimination against Arab Americans. Just recently Stone spoke out in the Arab American News against slanted coverage of Dearborn by Fox News.
