
EMU Launches Equality Knowledge Project 2015-2016 Speaker Series


YPSILANTI – Eastern Michigan University will kick off its six-part Equality Knowledge Project Speaker Series Oct. 26 with a presentation on the denial of services to LGBT couples.
Landon Schnabel from Indiana University will present her findings on "American's View on Denial of Service to Same-Sex Couples and Interracial Couples" in the kick off event for the series beginning at 5:30 p.m. in room 350 of the EMU Student Center. Attendance is free and open to all ages.
Schnabel will beg the questions: Should businesses be able to refuse service to same-sex and interracial couples? Does it matter if the reason is religious or not? Would Americans support refusal for explicitly non-religious reasons?
All information that will be presented was derived from a national survey experiment.
The Equality Knowledge Project is a research stimulus program of EMU, intended to accelerate the production of credible research on LGBT equality issues. The project is part of the center's commitment to public information, awareness and education.
Each project will benefit from mini-grants provided by the center to support academic research consistent with its mission and research priorities, will be presented in an on campus lecture at EMU and all completed research projects will be catalogued in the center's Equality Research Reports.
Other upcoming presentations for the Equality Knowledge Project include: LGBT rights and their impact on anti-LGBT violence; disgust and the dynamics of LGBT politics; organizational inequality and policing of LGBT sexual and gender identities post-Don't Ask Don't Tell; LGBT homeless youth surviving in the south; and health related consequences of same-sex and intimate LGBT partner violence.
For more information on the Equality Research Center or its projects, go to
