
Southfield Swears In First Gay Mayor


SOUTHFIELD – After a tiring campaign and a win earlier this month at the ballot box, Kenson Siver, the first openly-gay mayor of Southfield, pledged his oath of office before a crowded city hall Nov. 16.
"It feels wonderful (to be sworn in). As I said in my remarks earlier, it is a testament to the people of this city that they saw through the hatred, bigotry, homophobia and dirty tricks and elected their first gay mayor," Siver told BTL following the first Southfield City Council meeting with him as mayor.

U.S. Congresswoman Brenda Lawrence, DSouthfield, was in attendance as Kenson Siver is sworn in cheered on by the color guard. BTL photos: AJ Trager

Congresswoman Brenda Lawrence, former mayor of Southfield, introduced Siver as the next mayor of Southfield.
"A mayor is a person who – a lot of times people put a lot of names on it – they'll say it's the face of the community. It's the person who stands up when someone needs to speak out or someone needs to stand up for the city and for the people. Some people call them a ribbon cutter. But do you know what is so significant about that? Every time we have economic development you will see your mayor standing there proudly cutting the ribbon. Some people say that the mayor is the one where the rubber hits the road because they get blamed for everything. But you know what, when he took that oath, he took it with pride," Lawrence said.
The room erupted in a standing ovation as Siver took the podium to give his acceptance speech. In it he outlined some things that his administration is going to push for. He wants to continue working on improving Southfield's roads, code enforcement and neighborhood appearances, as well as working on preventing blight in the city and improving and expanding many city programs that are already in place to assist residents and Southfield's youth.
Swearing in newly elected members was the only item on Monday's city council agenda. The meeting was adjourned and followed by a reception.
Also sworn in were council members Daniel Brightwell, Lloyd Crews, Donald Fracassi and Tawnya Morris. The council also elected Myron Frasier to serve as council president.
