
House Dems Elect Moss, Zemke as Caucus Whip, Chair

LANSING — The House Democrats held elections to fill their caucus's leadership positions for the next two years as a new session begins this week. State Rep. Jeremy Moss (D-Southfield) was elected to serve as the House Democratic Caucus Whip and state Rep. Adam Zemke (D-Ann Arbor) was chosen to be the House Democratic Caucus Chair.

Rep. Jeremy Moss
"I am extremely honored that my Democratic colleagues in the House chose me to serve as their Caucus Whip for this legislative session," said Rep. Moss. "The next two years presents many unknown factors as a result of new Republican leadership in the Michigan House of Representatives that will push an agenda that is more conservative and is out-of-touch with most people in Michigan. I'll be seeking opportunities to bring our caucus together on bipartisan policies that will hold our government accountable, while steadfastly advocating for progressive causes that will have a meaningful impact on the lives of Michigan residents."
Rep. Moss is serving his second term representing Michigan's 35th House District. In his first term, he served as the Democratic vice chairman of the House Local Government Committee and as assistant Democratic Floor Leader. Before joining the Legislature, Rep. Moss was the youngest-ever member to serve on the Southfield City Council. He earned his bachelor's degree in journalism with an additional major in political science from Michigan State University, where he graduated with high honors.

Rep. Adam Zemke
Rep. Zemke is serving his third term representing Michigan's 55th House District. Previously, he served as the Democratic vice chair of the House Education Committee and sat on the House Appropriations Committee. Before coming to the Legislature, Rep. Zemke worked as an engineer in the aerospace, defense and automotive fields. He serves on the Foundation Board for the Society of Automotive Engineers, and has served on the city of Ann Arbor's Housing and Human Services Advisory Board and the Washtenaw County Community Action Board. He earned his bachelor's and master's degrees from the College of Engineering at Michigan State University.
"In a time when it may seem that there is more that divides us than unites us, I am ready to bring the House Democratic Caucus together to remember why it is we all came to Lansing in the first place," said Rep. Zemke. "Michigan's working families, seniors and students depend on us to provide better paying jobs, to maintain the stability of their retirement and to improve the affordability of their education. I look forward to uniting the caucus in these next two years to fight as one for Michiganders everywhere."
Reps. Moss and Zemke join the House Democratic leadership team headed by the House Democratic Leader, state Rep. Sam Singh (D-East Lansing) and House Democratic Floor Leader state Rep. Christine Greig (D-Farmington Hills). They will hold these positions for the duration of the 2017-18 legislative session.
