
Women's March Recap

11,000 People In Ann Arbor

Janet Osborn of Ann Arbor, 65, recalled protesting in 1963 with her mother in support of Selma during the civil rights movement. Now more than 50 years later, she's still marching. "Most of what's being said on the signs have been said my entire life," she said. "When I was 20, I would not have thought these would still be issues."

Ashley Zlatopolsky, Special to the Detroit Free Press

Meanwhile, Lindsay Duke, 34, also of Ann Arbor, said she "felt paralyzed" by everything going on in the country. "I didn't know what else to do, so I decided to be on my feet and keep moving with everybody," she described while waving a sign that listed what she was in support of: tolerance, love, water, black lives and more.

8,000 People In Lansing

Reporter Christopher Haxel, Lansing State Journal

Democratic candidate for governor Gretchen Whitmer spoke first, and cautioned against having a "destructive" mindset toward new President Donald Trump.
"It's got to be with resolve and Michigan grit that we can both be patriotic enough to respect the office, and fight the office holder when he's wrong," she said. "I accept that this new president won Michigan, but I do not accept that the voters chose him because of his hateful rhetoric."
"This election has reinforced for me that we cannot take anything, or anyone for granted," she said. "And that's precisely why I got in this race as early as I did."

Dr. Farha Abbasi adopted a fiery tone as she addressed the crowd.
"My fellow peacemakers and my sisters, they say a political storm is brewing," she said. "I say the storm is already here. We are the storm."
Abbasi, an assistant professor of psychiatry at Michigan State University and member of the Michigan Muslim Council, called on Trump to "be my president" and uphold the rights granted in the U.S. Constitution.
"I am America," she said. "You do not pull my hijab, doubt my patriotism, question my loyalty, degrade my turban, dehumanize my disability, kill my youth, incarcerate my future.
"Do not silence my voices and take away my choices," she continued, before donning a pink knit "pussycat" hat. "And especially, you do not grab — anything."

{HEADER Detroit
Wayne State Police Chief Anthony Holt Said The Crowd Was "well Over 4,000," More Than Four Times What Officials Had Expected.}
Reporter Oralandar Brand-Williams Detroit News

Lisa Nguyen, 24, of Sterling Heights came with her friend to let their voices be among those sending a message to the nation's capitol.
"Women rights are one of the more important things in life that I fight for," said Nguyen. "It's important women have access to birth control, abortion and other things that clinics like Planned Parenthood provide."
Nguyen said "with (Donald Trump) being in office is almost …surreal . It just makes me feel like almost demeaned because he is racist and sexist and homophobic and he does not entail what America means.

Traverse City

Around 3,000 people
Reporter Carol Thompson Traverse City Record Eagle
Susette Wilson, of Manistee, attended the march with a group of friends. Marching was a way to stand for the social progress she said Americans made in recent years in LGBT rights, reproductive rights and environmental awareness.
"I feel like there's no other way but a peaceful approach, to show love, not hate," she said.


Several thousand people turned out for this march. Probably 2-3 times actual populations of these small West Michigan towns in a very conservative area.
News and Guts Facebook page
Jodee Hunt posted "I was blown away by the crowd, uplifted by our walk, and bolstered by the many honks of support from passing vehicles. It was amazing!!"
Patty Wolfston-Hawco posted "This was a wonderful event. Proud and happy I could be a part of this historic march! Love my community!"


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