
Michigan Roundtable Statement on Executive Order on Immigration

DETROIT – The Michigan Roundtable for Diversity and Inclusion in Detroit denounces actions that unfairly target any group of people. Yesterday we stood with our neighbors who are affected by the recent executive order that bars people entering the United States from seven majority-Muslim nations.
The recent executive order is placing Muslim travelers who are seeking asylum in life threatening situations by denying entrance to the U.S. or returning them to the very countries they have fled. Those who hold visas to travel to the U.S. may be denied access to their jobs and families. The impact of the executive order on legal permanent residents from these countries is at best unclear. Considering the mosque burned in Texas this weekend we know the resultant implication of the order, that there is something wrong with Islam, which puts American Muslims at great risk. We are also aware that this travel ban builds upon the increased acts of hate and discrimination all people of color and our neighbors who practice Hinduism and Sikhism have experienced in record numbers this past year.
We recognize our government's obligation to protect us from foreign and domestic threats and respect our current immigration laws, but disagree with any actions that unfairly discriminate against any single group of refugees or immigrants.
My colleagues and I at the Roundtable are regularly reaching out to our Muslim neighbors to first check-in with them, to see how they are doing and to ask how we may be of assistance. We invite you to join us and if you do not know someone who is a Muslim, we stand ready to help make those connections. We are also engaged in conversation with people who hold different view-points in pursuit of common action for the betterment of our community and those most at risk of harm. We will be sharing those resources with you in the days ahead.
