
Campus Chat: Local LGBT University Student Reacts to Trump Presidency


Nicholas Pidsosny. Photo courtesy Drew Saunders.

The conversations had within the LGBT community following one of the most polarizing elections in U.S. history revolve around uncertainty about how the next four years will play out. And while many community activists and political leaders have come forward to share their thoughts, BTL has been talking with local university students in and around metro Detroit to better understand what young people are feeling and what a Trump presidency means to them.

Nicholas Pidsosny, an economics major at Eastern Michigan University said, "I'm just terrified about it. I know that there's going to be fear, not only in the LGBT community, but for people of color and female-bodied people in loss of rights and loss of access to other resources."
Pidsosny, who identifies as agender, discussed his feelings about Vice President Mike Pence as well.
"Mike Pence as vice president just terrifies me," Pidsosny said. "I think just because of the fact that Trump is all over the place with it [LGBT Rights] I assume that he [Trump] doesn't know much about it. And would not know how to pass legislation against LGBT people, which [means] Pence would probably lead it."
When asked if he feels targeted specifically, Pidsosny said, "It would make sense just because we still have so few rights. We just got marriage equality and we're still seeing a rise in bills against transgender people," he said. "I feel like he would work more against that to gain the support of more Republicans, who are against us in general."
Pidsosny expressed his concern about marriage equality under the new administration.
"I think that he will try to get it overturned, or at least Pence will try to convince him to get it overturned," he said.
And despite progress made for LGBT people, Pidsosny believes transgender people will become more vulnerable to discrimination.
"We've already got bills…that area already limiting our rights and ability to go to the bathroom in public, of our gender identity. I think that will only increase in this administration," he said.
Regardless of what happens under President Trump, Pidsosny said, "I plan to be somewhat more outspoken. I haven't come out to my family yet and I plan on doing that so they know, and hopefully are able to help support me, and the cause more. I plan on being far more of an activist because we kind of need it at this point."
