
Meet Becca Budde, Affirmations Education and Training Manager

In an effort to establish strong relationships and build trust, Affirmations gives members of the LGBTQ community an opportunity to get to know Becca Budde, the organization's education and training manager. She is responsible for programs such as the Relationship Skills Class, the LEAD Institute, and LGBTQ Learning Labs.
Read more about some of the things that are important to Budde and why she took on this leadership role.

What is your favorite book?
I read a lot and it seems like I always have a new favorite book, but if I had to pick an all-time favorite it would be the Harry Potter series.

What is your favorite thing about Affirmations?
My favorite thing about Affirmations is how much the center belongs to everybody in the community and that it's a place where people come together. We have so many partner agencies and groups that come into the space, so many people working on so many different things, and we get to be a part of that in addition to our main programs and services.

What is your favorite weekend (non-work) activity?
I love to cook and experiment with making new things. I've also been running and am planning on training for a half marathon this fall.

Do you have a favorite meal?
My aunt makes this baked chicken that I've loved since I was a kid. It's delicious, but it's also always surrounded by good times with my family.

Why do you do this work?
I love having the opportunity to bring opportunities for education and development to the community. I also want to help build understanding of the LGBTQ people and issues and the rest of the community.

Where is the place you long to vacation?
I would love to visit Peru but I'd want to brush up on my Spanish first.
