
Ferndale-based Church Militant Proclaims Anti-LGBT Views in Documentary


Simon Rafe, executive producer of Church Courtesy photo

A group of radical Catholics in Ferndale believe they can "save" people by spreading the Catholic culture via the internet.
Known as the Church Militant (formerly St. Michael's Media), this rapidly growing far-right media organization – that reaches 1,500,000 people every month online – was featured by The Atlantic in a documentary released Wednesday.
Video Producer Daniel Lombroso said The Atlantic embedded with Michael Voris, the organization's controversial founder, for close to a week – the biggest investigation on the group to date.
A total of 35 people on staff are fighting against what they see as the "tyranny" of a liberal America, referring to an "emasculated society" that commits "sins" of homosexuality, abortion, contraception, divorce and re-marriage.
Voris denies his early to mid-life "confusions." In the documentary, he admits to several "live-in relationships with homosexual men" during his 30s as well as "frequent sexual liaisons with both adult men and adult women" in his 20s.
Voris explains his come-to-Jesus moment occurred when his brother died suddenly from a heart attack, and just before his mother died of cancer.
"She said 'I never believed you were homosexual or gay. You were acting out in response to how I had created this situation at home that you didn't know how to deal with.'"
And with that, Voris returned to his faith to build what is being referred to as "multimedia empire."

Watch the documentary below:

The Detroit Free Press wrote an in-depth feature in February about this alt-right religious group. Read it online.
