
Corporal Dani Woods Honored with Spirit of Detroit Award

When Detroit Police Department's LGBTQ Liaison Officer Dani Woods received the Spirt of Detroit Award at the Detroit City Council meeting on Sept. 7, she said, "It was a total surprise. My wife called me and told me she was receiving an award and wanted me to come down to see her receive it, so as I'm sitting there getting my phone ready to take her picture and Assistant Chief Williams calls me to the front to present me with the Spirit of Detroit Award. My eyes were as large as the Simpsons (LOL). It was a humbling, yet appreciative moment."
The award was requested by Council President Brenda Jones, who explained why Corporal Woods was selected.
"We are pleased to recognize Corporal Dani Woods with a Spirit of Detroit award for her leadership in building relationships between the Detroit Police Department and the LGBTQ community. Often, members of this community are victims of violence or abuse and because of their sexual orientation, they may be hesitant to report or prosecute the crime. Corporal Woods is opening these channels, while raising awareness and promoting respect for diversity and inclusion within the department."
