
Best Kathy Quips

Chris Azzopardi

Has Kathy Griffin missed her gays as much as we've missed her? If previews for the fourth season of "My Life on the D-List," which launches nearly a year after the third, are any sign, yep, she certainly has. The hour-long premier, airing at 9 p.m. June 12 on Bravo, features Griffin co-hosting CNN's New Year's Eve bash with rumored-queer Anderson Cooper, revisiting her conservative-adored "Suck it, Jesus" poke during her Emmy acceptance speech and whipping newly-named Team Griffin into tip-top shape. Still, the best moments are the ones where our gay-lovin' girl switches on her Quipster Cooker. Here are our top-10 foul-mouthed faves:

10. "Kudos to her (Britney Spears') new album. I don't know how they fucking propped her up to record it."

9. "My mom has hurled in many, many holidays – and I'm including religious ones."

8. "Everybody loves 'Planet Earth': 'Oh, it's so great. Oh, it's so fascinating how the earth is' – OK, whatever! Ah, I'm gonna do a show called 'Uranus' and it's about your butt. There. Where's my award?"

7. "My mom actually gets to meet the only billionaire that I know who wears a backpack and I hope she doesn't blow it 'cause if i have to choose between a billionaire and my mother, I'm gonna have to be honest and say, 'Money talks and Maggie walks.'"

6. "Team Griffin has started the drinking game in earnest and I'm up here in the CNN platform. So, I'm worried that Jessica (her assistant) is just gonna run up and, ya know, 'Fuck you, China!' or something and start World War III. Not with China, there's so many of them."

5. "My poor mother still hasn't recovered from my 'Suck it, Jesus' line at the Emmys, so I'm trying to get her back (on my side) because she's a huge Anderson Cooper fan, so this'll be good news. If not, she can suck it, too."

4. "I'm gonna kiss him (Anderson Cooper) in the balls. I'm gonna fucking tickle them. I don't care how salty they are."

3. "I'm very supportive of Oprah and her boyfriend Gale."

2. "I'm the only one, by the way, who has the balls to be pissed off at 'Planet Earth.' I'm moving to Pluto – that's how much I hate earth now."

1. "I'm banned from a lot of shows and networks, and apparently CNN knows that I am a newsman, so this is my first step toward getting my Pulitzer Prize for my hard-hitting take on 2007. And Britney's crotch. And how it affects the Middle East."


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