
Billy Masters

Clay Aiken to be a daddy, Al Reynolds to spill beans about Star break-up

"It's written by guys who happen to be gay, who are sluts! That's what I think." – Gap-toothed Lauren Hutton gives her opinion about "Sex and the City" – a show, she admitted, she's never watched. Where exactly does this leave Candace Bushnell?

I just left Chicago and I must say I have more fondness for the Windy City than ever before. People often tell me that because I live primarily in Boston and Los Angeles, I have a skewed view of how tolerant people are of the "gay lifestyle." However, America's alleged "second city" proved to me that this melting pot we live in is more accepting than people realize. Although I was in town to perform in conjunction with the Grabby Awards, Memorial Day Weekend also marks the annual International Mr. Leather Competition and associated Leather Market. The host hotel was the Hyatt, but it seems all of downtown Chicago was swarming with hot men in a variety of leather regalia. I heard of no hate crimes, no uproars, and no complaints – even from families who happened to be staying at the Hyatt over the weekend. I am sure little Sally or Bobby had some questions for their parents as to why the man in the elevator was in a leather mask or being led along on a leash. But, with millions of tourism dollars coming in from this weekend, I don't think anyone's complaining.

It was Gay Chicago Magazine's annual celebration of all things pornographic that really brought me to the city, and as usual they put on a great show. Hosted by Chi Chi La Rue and Honey West, and aided ably by the aforementioned Dean Flynn, Jake Deckard, and the effervescent Trevor Knight (who foolishly tried to match wits with Ms. La Rue – and came up half a wit short), the show is arguably the best gay porn celebration in the world. I realize some will think I'm biased because I've written for Gay Chicago for 12 years. And, it is true that this year I was inducted onto the Grabby Wall of Fame. But, that's neither here nor there. My colleague Mickey Skee was quick to point out he made it to the wall long before me – but, given the vast difference in our ages, he's done most things long before me. I was thrilled to be honored the same year as Doug Jeffries, who shared my college years. It was a special evening, and one that has great meaning to me.

The meaning to Erik Rhodes was completely different. You'll recall at the GayVNs in San Francisco, he reportedly received a blow job from a fan while the show was going on! This year, he waited till the after party – that's where Damien Crosse blew him…and we'll post the pictures to prove it!

While I was in Chicago, I hosted the Grabby Recovery Brunch for five long hours. But it was worth it because we raised over $5,000 for Test Positive Aware Network, one of the largest AIDS charities in the city. And, boy, we raised it the hard way – literally. I coerced the cavalcade of porn boys to do nasty things on stage that I wouldn't attempt in the privacy of my Toyota Celica! Keeping things as anonymous as possible, there was jerking, blowing, fondling, and even fucking taking place – all for a good cause. Thanks to my co-host, Cort Donovan, who is a nasty little thing! I have to thank Ben Andrews for staying onstage long after his allotted time and helping with the raffle…and assorted other duties that best go unmentioned (geez, his dick really is that big).

Poor little Tory Mason endured endless torturing during my numerous appearances. The truth is, he's one of the cutest and sweetest boys around and I have a special fondness for him. And he's quick – when I quipped that he tied for Best Solo Scene and how, "That's almost as good as winning," he didn't bat an eye when he retorted, "At least mine was a two-way tie – yours was a six-way!" But my favorite Tory moment occurred at the brunch. He was picking at his food and said, "These grapes taste funny," to which I responded, "That's 'cause they're olives!" God love him. He's like a little sock puppet of a porn star. And, like a Muppet, you just wanna stick your hand right up him!

Last week I announced that I would once again be hosting the Main Stage of LA Pride. So why not mention San Francisco Pride? It was just announced that Cyndi Lauper and Charo will be the celebrity grand marshals. That could almost make me zip back up the coast. The SF Pride parade is June 29.

Back on the east coast, the divorce trial of Jim and Dina McGreevey is getting quite testy. Dina took the stand and testified that she is very upset that her soon-to-be-ex-husband has not made more money on his sex scandal. Her feeling is because he's enrolled in a seminary and plans to become an Episcopalian priest, he is purposely limiting his income so that he won't be able to pay much alimony. According to accountant Kalman Barson, who was hired as some sort of expert, Jimmy could have become a talk show host or some kind of celebrity shill and earned over $1.4 million a year with his "celebrity status." Tell that to Monica Lewinsky!

Al Reynolds is allegedly willing to spill the beans regarding his failed marriage to Star Jones…for a price. Despite previously stating that he was "taking the high road," Al's reps have been on the down-low shopping around a tell-all interview to the highest bidder. People who have been privy to these conversations whisper that it could be a six-figure deal, but only if he has something juicy to say. I'd say this is much ado about nothing, and Al is likely posturing for a more sizeable settlement. And, speaking of sizeable, what are these photos circulating that appear to be a shirtless Reynolds reaching into his shorts? Could it be? You decide on

Starlet is not sitting around idly. We hear whispers that the legal eagle is in negotiations to join the next season of "Celebrity Apprentice." Because we need a new Omarosa!

We interrupt this column to bring you a special bulletin – Clay Aiken is going to be a daddy! No, that was not a typo – I did not mean that he's looking for a daddy. He's actually going to be a father…allegedly! According to sources, Clay has actually impregnated Jaymes Foster, who has executive produced his CDs and is the sister of recording guru David Foster. Yes, I realize Jaymes sounds like a man's name – which may be what attracted Clay in the first place. She is a handsome woman (we'll post a photo of the happy couple on our Web site). I'm told Jaymes is almost 50, which means this is a miracle pregnancy on more than one level! BTW, TMZ is reporting that Foster was artificially inseminated with Clay's sperm. Because, I'm sure the prospective of doing it the old fashioned way gave Clay the willies!

When Clay is anyone's daddy, it's definitely time to end yet another column. We had so much dirt to dish, I didn't have time for any questions or blind items. We'll try to squeeze those in next time. Be sure to check out for all your gossip needs. And if you've got a question, write to me at [email protected] and I promise to get back to you before Al joins Jim in that seminary! Lee! So, until next time, remember, one man's filth is another man's bible.
