
Christian Group Condemns Parents Magazine for featuring Gay Dads

Parents magazine featured fitness trainer Shaun T., his husband Scott Blokker and their one-year-old twins on the cover of its February issue. This is the first time a same-sex couple has been included on the cover since it was first published in 1926.

One Million Moms, a subset group of the Southern Poverty Law Center's designated hate group American Family Association, slammed the magazine for its choice in cover stars with an online petition.

"Parents is using its magazine as a platform to promote the pro-homosexual lifestyle. Even if families do not personally subscribe to the publication, they should be warned that it could be displayed in waiting rooms of dentist and doctor offices, where children could easily be subjected to the glorification of same-sex parents," the organization writes. "Many families subscribe to Parents and should be aware of the upcoming change of content in this magazine. After all, most conservative and Christian families will disagree morally with the magazine's decision, and subsequently, will not want to support its content."

The organization continued on that: "Mothers and fathers are seeing more and more similar examples of children being indoctrinated to perceive same-sex couples as normal, especially in the media. Likewise, the magazine's website,, and their other social media pages also push pro-homosexual content. Parents is the latest print media company to abandon what it does best in order to force a lifestyle on the American public that the medical community identifies as unhealthy. Rather than focusing on parenting tips, the publication shames Americans into embracing such a lifestyle."

The petition has received more than 9,000 signatures.

This article originally appeared in the Washington Blade and is made available in partnership with the National Gay Media Association. 
