
Cool drinks for good causes

Six-year-old Diego Garcia is thanked by the Ferndale City Council for his charitable contributions to local nonprofits, raised by a lemonade stand at Motor City Pride in June. BTL photo by Crystal Proxmire

At the Aug. 10 City Council meeting, Ferndale city officials voted to recognize six-year-old Diego Garcia for his "spirit of caring" in setting up a lemonade stand at Motor City Pride in June to raise money for his favorite charities. The young resident raised $30 for the Humane Society and $30 for the Michigan AIDS Coalition's Wonderful Animals Giving Support Program, which helps people with HIV/AIDS take care of their pets.
The Michigan Humane Society is a private non-profit organization which cares for over 100,000 animals each year, while working to end companion animal homelessness, provide the highest quality service and compassion to the animals entrusted to our care and to be a leader in promoting humane values.
WAGS was created in 1999 by the Michigan AIDS Coalition (then called the Midwest AIDS Prevention Project) to assist persons with HIV or AIDS in keeping, feeding and caring for their pets when extended hospital stays, physical exhaustion or daily expenses seem insurmountable.
The following resolution was moved and supported unanimously by council:
Whereas Ferndale is a city that benefits greatly from the generous caring and philanthropy of its residents and business owners; and
The Ferndale City Council encourages residents, visitors and business owners to engage in the support of area charities and to help those less fortunate; and
Diego Garcia, age six, of Leroy Street in Ferndale is a lover of animals and pets. He wanted to raise money for the Wonderful Animals Giving Support program at the Michigan AIDS Coalition. WAGS provides support for people living with HIV/AIDS to keep and care for their pets and companion animals. With help and encouragement from his parents, Diego created a lemonade stand during the Motor City Pride Festival in June; and
As a result of his hard work and innovative ideas, he was able to raise $30 selling lemonade to Motor City Pride participants and donated this money to the WAGS program.
Therefore let it be resolved that we, Ferndale's elected officials, recognize the generosity and creativity of young Diego Garcia. We express our gratitude to him and to his parents, Judeen Bartos and Rita Garcia, and salute the entire family for their spirit of caring. Families like Diego's exemplify the friendliness and community pride that make Ferndale special.
Garcia was recognized by the council as family, friends and fellow citizens gave their support. "The event left quite an impression on all the boys, and I know it will be a lasting memory for them," said the young boy's mother in an e-mail to city leaders the day after the presentation.
For more information on the Michigan Humane Society, visit
For more information on Wonderful Animals Giving Support, visit

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