
Creep of the Week: U.S. House of Representatives

By Dawn Wolfe

This week, we feature not one creep, but 327 of them – the 327 members of the U.S. House of Representatives, including 10 from Michigan, who passed a "Sense of Congress" resolution opposing a Nov. 2004 3rd Circuit court decision striking down the Solomon Amendment on Feb. 2. Solomon forced universities receiving federal funding to allow military recruiters on campus regardless of the universities' own non-discrimination policies. Though not legally binding, the vote was highly disrespectful to lesbian and gay service members.
Express yourself! Call the Congressional switchboard at 1-202-225-3121 and express your opposition to our military's discrimination against lesbian and gay service members to these Michigan creeps, all of whom voted for the resolution:
Dave Camp, 4th District
Vernon Ehlers, 3rd District
Pete Hoekstra, 2nd District
Dale Kildee, 5th District
Joe Knollenberg, 9th District
Thad McCotter, 11th District
Candice Miller, 10th District
Mike Rogers, 8th District
Joe Schwarz, 7th District
Fred Upton, 6th District
