
Detroit Is Different Festival Oct. 25

Calling Detroiters from all walks of life, the Detroit is Different Festival, held from Oct. 25 to Oct. 27, invites everyone from the city and around it to learn about the cultures and subcultures that make the city have vibe all its own.
"Even if you visit Detroit, are from Detroit or live in Detroit, you never knew all this culture was alive and thriving in Detroit. Detroit is Different is a multi-media house for culture creators who podcast, blog, vlog and produce art," write event organizers. "Over 40 Metro-Detroiters use Detroit is Different as a hub to engage audiences interested in an array of subcultures including but not limited to: Women in Hip-hop; Black (African-American) Comedy; Islamic Social Justice; the Black (African-American) Gay Professional class; the Natural Hair Movement; Lesbian-Trans-Women Social Justice; Women Visual Artists; Artists under the age of 25; and many other groups and circles."
Some of the scheduled events include What the Text Game Show, I'm Scared of Detroit Comedy Show 2019 and The My Natural Hair Show.
"These subcultures are the anchors of the Detroit feel that is often summarized as the 'clique-ish' culture of the city," organizers wrote. "The Detroit is Different Festival provides you the rare opportunity to witness, experience and familiarize yourself with the diverse subcultures that make Detroit DIFFERENT!"
To find the event's full schedule and learn more about Detroit Is Different visit
