
Elton John Blasts Vatican's Same-Sex Union Statement on Twitter

Jason A. Michael

Elton John is pissed at Pope Francis. The pontiff said in a letter issued today through the Congregation of the Doctrine of the Faith, the church's orthodoxy office, that Catholic clergy may not bless same-sex unions because God "cannot bless sin." The letter, which was published in seven different languages, offended the openly-gay and flamboyant and prompted John to blast back with a Tweet which seems to reveal the church's hypocrisy.

It was revealed in 2019 that the Vatican, through ties to the Malta-based Centurion Global Fund, which is run by Enrico Crasso and has a large portion of its capital assets fed by the Vatican secretariat of state, had invested $4.5 million to help finance the 2019 films "Men in Black: International" and the very explicitly gay John biopic "Rocketman." The Vatican released a statement two years ago saying it would review the matter but has offered no follow-up since then.

While there were no claims that investing in these films was immoral or against church teachings, it's the Vatican's choice of films that many find peculiar. The "Men in Black" film franchise purports the existence of aliens and "Rocketman" featured not only male-on-male sexual scenes but also depicts John's history of drug abuse.

Pope Francis has been generally thought to be kinder on the subject of LGBTQ+ issues, but the Catholic church is visibly far from full acceptance. The letter said that the Church could not approve or accept of "a choice and a way of life that cannot be recognized as objectively ordered to the revealed plans of God."
