
File Discrimination Complaints with the MDCR During Federal Shutdown

As the federal government shutdown moves into its third week, the Michigan Department of Civil Rights is reminding members of the community that they don't have to wait to file a complaint about discrimination. Michiganders who believe they have been discriminated against in housing or on the job may have the option to file a complaint with the MDCR. The organization partners with both the federal Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) and the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and can take complaints related to employment and housing at any time, even during the federal shutdown.
"Michigan residents don't have to wait for the shutdown to end before they can begin the process of filing a complaint when facing discrimination in housing or employment," said Agustin V. Arbulu, the MDCR's director. "It is important to file your complaint in a timely way in order to protect your right to have the alleged discrimination investigated and addressed."
To file a complaint, call the MDCR at 800-482-3604 or go to the MDCR website, and click on "File a Complaint" at the top of the page. Intake staff will determine if the MDCR has jurisdiction and guide members of the community on their next steps.
For more information on the Michigan Department of Civil Rights, go to
