
Getting help with bullying

A variety of organizations are reaching out to try to help LGBT youth facing crisis, including:

The Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education
Network launched a campaign aimed at creating a safe space for LGBT youth. The 42-page Safe Space Kit informs educators on the best ways to provide a "safe place" in schools for LGBT youth. The kit costs $20 and includes a poster and sticker to help students identify supportive educators. The network will also encourage people through its social media channels, including its 80,000-plus fans on Facebook, to let educators know about the kits.

The Trevor Project got behind syndicated sex columnist Dan Savage's It Gets Better project, which features celebrities sharing their challenges growing up gay and how their lives did improve. You can reach the Trevor lifeline by calling 1-866-488-7386.

The National Youth Advocacy Coalition has stressed the need to focus on LGBTQ youth not only as victims, but also as people who are changing the world. They are spotlighting "Fierce Queers," five young people dedicated toward empowering their communities at

Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays (PFLAG) have chapters in 16 communities in Michigan, many which man lifelines gay youth can call. For a listing of chapters, go to

Resources and advice for gay and lesbian youth in crisis is also available at

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