
HRC moves to add trans to ENDA

By Bob Roehr

WASHINGTON D.C. – The Human Rights Campaign decided to support the inclusion of protection for transgender persons in draft language of the Employment Non-Discrimination Act at the Aug. 7 meeting of their board of directors.
Trans activists have worked for inclusion in ENDA from the time it was first introduced in 1994 but HRC has resisted for reasons of political strategy. Many felt that opposition from Massachusetts Democrats Sen. Ted Kennedy and Rep. Barney Frank had been the key factor.
HRC adopted a resolution stating it will only support ENDA if the bill is inclusive of sexual orientation and gender identity and expression. No action is expected in this Congress but HRC's new stance will affect the bill when it is reintroduced next year.
"Passage of ENDA is a brass ring for our community and we're making it clear that it must have the strongest teeth possible to protect everyone," said Board Co-chair Tim Boggs.
"It was ten years and nine days ago, 29 July 1994, that Karen Kerin and I sat in the Senate hearing room as guests of Sen. Jim Jeffords (then R-Vermont) for a committee meeting chaired by Ted Kennedy at which the current, non-transgender-inclusive ENDA was first introduced," Houston trans activist Phyllis Randolph Frye wrote in a widely distributed e-mail.
"On that day, Karen and I were both prevented from testifying for transgender inclusion by Kennedy's staff. After the hearing, Karen and I met with lots of people in the know, asking why transgender folks were omitted. The answer was always, always, always HRC. And so the struggle with HRC began.
"And now, ten years and nine days later, THAT struggle ends. When HRC says it is LGBT inclusive, it truly is!" Frye wrote.
"This is an historic day for the transgender movement," said Mara Keisling, Executive Director of the National Center for Transgender Equality. "The LGBT community's most connected organization in Congress has finally embraced transgender rights equally with lesbian, gay, and bisexual rights. We are confident that Congress will hear this message."
Keisling was among those who met with the HRC board to discuss the matter. In a background paper prepared for that meeting, Keisling explained, "A primary strategy now is showing allies in Congress that the LGBT community is absolutely united behind our inclusion."
The National Gay and Lesbian Task Force adopted such a policy in January 1995 and eventually ten other national community organizations joined them. HRC was the last major hold-out.
