
Immigration measure seeks relief for binational couples

SUNNYVALE, Calif. – The Reuniting American Families Act was introduced in Congress June 21. This measure was previously introduced as the Permanent Partners Immigration Act.
When enacted, the measure would bring immigration relief to countless binational same-sex couples around the world. Senator Patrick Leahy and Congressman Jerrold Nadler are the lead sponsors of the legislation.
"Seeking both justice and equality is an imperative to our community," said Leslie Bulbuk, co-founder of Love Sees No Borders, an educational organization focused on raising awareness of the plight of same-sex binational couples and their fight to remain together.
Unlike their heterosexual counterparts, Americans and legal permanent residents in same-sex relationships are unable to sponsor a foreign partner for immigration purposes. The measure would grant these couples the much-needed immigration benefit. The bill would add the words "permanent partner" after the word "spouse" each time it appears in the Immigration and Nationality Act.
Currently, 16 countries have laws that allow citizens to sponsor a same-sex foreign partner for immigration.

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