
Kerry pans same-sex marriage

By Bob Roehr
BOSTON- The Massachusetts Democratic Party is expected to adopt a party platform that includes a provision supporting marriage equality when it meets on May 14. Equal marriage is now part of the legal and social fabric of the state and the measure is not seen as controversial by most state politicians.
But not to Sen. John Kerry.
"I'm opposed to it being in the platform. I think it's a mistake," the former Democratic presidential candidate said on May 5 in Baton Rouge, Louisiana where he was hosting a forum on children's healthcare. "I think it's the wrong thing, and I'm not sure it reflects the broad view of the Democratic Party in our state," he said.
State party chairman Philip W. Johnston respectfully disagreed. "It is important that the State Democratic Party support civil rights. We need to take a stand." A March poll showed that 71 per cent of Democrats in the state support equality marriage, though support was lower among Republicans and Independents.
The state's senior Senator, Edward Kennedy, supports the platform plank.
Boston Globe columnist Eileen McNamara criticized Kerry for being out of touch with politics in Massachusetts; for spending time in Louisiana and not at the state party convention, which Kerry does not plan on attending.
"As he courts heartland conservatives, Kerry is falling more and more out of step with the state party that nurtured his political career," McNamara wrote.
"It is Sen. Kerry's statements that are wrong, a mistake, and surely do not reflect the views of Massachusetts Democrats," said Matt Foreman, executive director of the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force. "It is important that the state Democratic Party support civil rights."
"We respectfully and strongly disagree with Senator Kerry," said Eric Stern, executive director of the National Stonewall Democrats." He urged Kerry "to follow the example" of Kennedy in "supporting the enforcement of state law."
"The Massachusetts Democratic Party is simply affirming the reality that 5,000 same-sex couples and families are stronger and more secure today because of marriage equality," said Joe Solmonese, president of the Human Rights Campaign.
"As a husband, father, and a long time supporter of the gay community, Sen. Kerry should understand the importance of the stability and security that marriage provides families."
Kerry is not the only liberal "friend" of the LGBT community who is gun-shy about gay marriage. Even while California Democrats, led by openly gay Assemblyman Mark Leno are pushing legislation to make marriage equality a reality in that state,in April, national party chairman Howard Dean urged them to put on the brakes.
Leno criticized Dean for issuing public statements saying that Democrats do not support marriage equality. He told IN Los Angeles Magazine, "There was no need for [Dean] to say that. He never talked to any of us."
In that same article, California gay donors expressed frustration at being used as ATM machines, without any attention being paid to issues such as marriage equality by the national Democratic Party.
