
Kofi in Koncert

Dr. Kofi Adoma, board member and co-founder of the Ruth Ellis Center, will be performing at the center on May 31 from 3-5 p.m.
Adoma, who is known for her work in Michigan's LGBT community with both the REC and the Karibu House, is also an accomplished violinist, and plans to show off her skills in the fundraiser concert – with a little help from some special surprise guest performers.
Adoma will be performing a variety of songs, including classical, jazz, R & B, pop, gospel, musical and South African compositions, including the South African National Anthem. Several of the songs will be compositions or arrangements by Adoma's brother, David Robinson.
Light refreshments will be served at the concert, which is free. Monetary contributions to the center will be accepted and are tax deductable.
For more information, call the Ruth Ellis Center at 313-252-1950 or visit their Web site at

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