
Letter: Sit on your hands

Dear BTL,
Today I sent the following message by e-mail to John Kerry's campaign. I'm writing to encourage EVERYONE to make a similar initiative. I feel insulted that John Kerry, now the presumptive Democratic nominee, is essentially taking the LGBT vote for granted with statements that he would support a constitutional amendment banning same-sex marriage.
I have been VERY troubled by Sen. Kerry's statements supporting a constitutional ban on recognition of same-sex marriage. I don't want ot hear any spin about "civil unions" and his voting record. I want him to recognize that he has taken the wrong stance and change direction NOW.
I am active with several LGBT organizations in MI, and talk to a lot of people. In short, I can influence others, and am on the verge of launching a "sit on your hands" campaign.
The Senator has been pandering to bigots. Gavin Newsom has shown the way on this issue, and LEADERSHIP means standing up for what's right. Even John Edwards' position – that he would "not interfere" is better than what Kerry's been saying.
So tell the Senator to wise up. The LGBT vote can work for him or against him.
We must all let Senator Kerry, the Democratic Party (and, indeed, the Republican Party) know that pandering to the special interests of a few, extremist religious groups is not acceptable.
Layton Dorey
Grosse Pointe
