
March 2005

S/He Said:

"Now that they've belatedly started to recruit Arabic speakers – after the military forced out more than 300 linguists considered important to the war on terror in the past decade because they happened to be gay…We can't get into Al Qaeda's inner councils, but has Al Qaeda gotten inside ours?"
Maureen Dowd, NY Times columnist

"I hope to see more women being liberated or stand for what they believe in and hope to see a universe free of discrimination, torture and violence."
Fannyann Eddy, founder of the Sierra Leone Lesbian and Gay Association murdered in 2004

In Michigan:

Dr. Mom

Gynecologist Rhonda Kobold has delivered hundreds of babies, and has given birth to two of her own. She also helps train other doctors about LGBT issues.
BTL photo: D'Anne Witkowski
13.10 "Doctor Mom: Dr. Rhonda Kobold on family life and making gynecology lesbian-friendly"

AFA attacks EMU's benefits
The American Family Association asked the state to force Eastern Michigan University to stop offering domestic partner benefits because it violates the state's constitution. EMU administrators told the AFA to go away.
13.09 "Glenn, AFA charge EMU's DP benefits policy violate state constitution"

A first in Lansing
TransGender Michigan hosted its first-ever lobby day in Lansing.
13.12 "Trans issues take center stage in Lansing"

Longtime HRC volunteer Brian Killian died in a Birmingham house fire.
13.11 "Interior designer Brian Killian dies after Birmingham blaze"

Adoption expansion proposed
The Office of Children's Ombudsman recommended greater access to second parent adoptions in the state.
13.09 "State agency supports expanding adoptions"

Brothers burns
Brothers Bar in Kalamazoo suffered over $75,000 in damages after a suspicious fire.
13.13 "Nightclub fire called suspicious by Kalamazoo officials"

Big Bash – big fun
Affirmations celebrated 16 years of service and plans for a new community center building at their Annual Big Bash, raising over $80,000.
13.12 "Big Bash doubles as Sweet 16 party for Affirmations"


Bushies backed down from omitting LGBT stats at a national suicide conference.
13.09 "Bush administration backs down on request to edit "LGBT" out of suicide conference workshop title"

The HIV 'super strain' scare dominated an AIDS conference in Boston.
13.09 "HIV 'super strain' controversy dominates retroviral conference"

Ohio's domestic violence law was weakened, citing the ban on same-sex marriage. A judge ruled that unmarried couples were not entitled to the same protections against domestic violence as married couples.
13.13 "Ohio equal marriage ban used to weaken domestic violence law"

Maine passed a law banning LGBT discrimination.
13.13 "Maine passes gay rights bill"

DP benefits at risk, ACLU files suit

Five of the plaintiffs in the ACLU suit, all of who stand to lose benefits.
BTL photo: Jason Michael

The American Civil Liberties Union of Michigan filed a lawsuit in state court on behalf of 21 LGBT couples who stand to lose their domestic partner benefits because of Prop. 2, the anti-marriage constitutional amendment. Attorney General Mike Cox had ruled that DP benefits offered to same-sex couples in Michigan's municipalities cannot be renewed in new contracts.
All 21 of the couples rely on DP benefits for healthcare coverage. Six have dependent children, three relocated to Michigan because of the availability of DP benefits. One couple has taken in four developmentally challenged children. If Cox's ruling is permitted to stand, they will all lose their healthcare coverage.
Cox argued that the DP benefits are disallowed by the anti-marriage amendment because of the phrase "or similar union for any other purpose." During the campaign, Prop. 2 supporters had stressed that it dealt with marriage only and, if passed, would not impact anyone's benefits. They lied.
13.12 "ACLU sues to save benefits"
13.12 "Cox decides DP benefits unconstitutional"

Marriage ban ruled unconstitutional
A California judge ruled that the state's ban on same-sex marriage was unconstitutional. Anti-gay activists then started a petition campaign to get it onto the 2006 ballot as a constitutional amendment. Currently the anti-gay organizers are having trouble getting the signatures, saying they won't be able to get it onto the June 2006 ballot, and November is looking doubtful.
13.11 "California court says marriage ban unconstitutional"

In sickness and health
Tom Paschke and Tim Lucas fell in love. Eight years later their lives were turned upside down when Paschke suffered a debilitating stroke at the age of 38. Their story of commitment, love and hope was featured in BTL's special Health & Wellness issue.
BTL photo: Jason Michael
13.09 "In sickness and in health"

Carter links race and LGBT rights
Mandy Carter spent a whirlwind week in Detroit, speaking at six events and meeting with community leaders. With three decades of activism for black and LGBT rights, she helped launch the National Black Justice Coalition and is a winner of the NGLTF Stonewall Award. "We're trying to be more about justice and not 'just us' as a gay movement," said Carter.
BTL photo: Jason Michael
13.09 "Race and gender in a civil rights movement"


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