
Meditate, Pisces!

By Jack Fertig

Q Scopes

The planet of dreams and mystery, Nepture, fresh into his own sign Pisces, will take a year or two to get used to. Logic's no help here; trust your intuitions and open up to the magic.

ARIES (March 20 – April 19): There's nothing wrong with ambition "per se," but trying too hard, especially when you're not thinking ahead very clearly, is only a sure route to disaster. Don't be scared of guidance and limits – or the people who suggest them.

TAURUS (April 20 – May 20): This should be your lucky year, but luck serves the well-prepared. Take time out to think carefully of what work is necessary to nurture the projects that may bring you fortune.

GEMINI (May 21- June 20): The wit and logic that have been so dazzling lately are leaving you, but don't fret. Just be ready to shift gears to whimsy and sensitivity. Your sympathetic support can prove helpful. Often it's best just to be a good listener.

CANCER (June 21- July 22): Your gifts of erotic seduction are more evident than usual. Put them to good use and draw in the one you desire. Trying to be cleverer than you feel will undermine your efforts, personally and professionally. Just be yourself!

LEO (July 23 – August 22): If you share your darkest secret fantasy with one person, you're probably sharing it with at least a few more. Don't talk; do. Confidantes can't always be trusted, but partners in crime usually can.

VIRGO (August 23 – September 22): Worries that you don't measure up will exacerbate relationship problems. Relax. Have confidence in yourself and your ability to solve problems. Your brain and your mouth probably got you into this fix. Let your ears and your heart find the way out.

LIBRA (September 23 – October 22): Fights at home can get pretty fierce. Is it worth it? You may need to make a deep change and sacrifice something to make your relationship work. Some time out can help, but don't use that as an excuse to avoid the problems.

SCORPIO (October 23 – November 21): No matter who is causing problems at work, you can only be responsible for yourself. If your own recent brainstorms and innovations are a part of it, own up and learn from whatever mistakes were made, especially your own.

SAGITTARIUS (November 22 – December 20): Pushing too hard to get ahead can ruffle the feathers of your superiors. Make sure the rung you want to step up to isn't already occupied. Put down the horn and let your best work speak for itself.

CAPRICORN (December 21 – January 19): The confusion won't go away soon, but its purpose can become clearer. Never mind logic and facts. They're just not making sense. Open yourself up to mystery, myth, magic and music. Look at life as art, not science.

AQUARIUS (January 20 – February 18): Economic uncertainty brings opportunities for those with vision and intuition. Yours are especially sharp right now. Discuss your inspirations with a bright, innovative friend. A recent spontaneous tryst could bring recriminations or insights. Focus on insights.

PISCES (February 19 – March 19): Meditation and spiritual discipline will be more important than ever in the next 14 years. Unusual clarity now can show you how best to proceed. Talking about your craziest dreams can lead you from inspiration to practical application.
