
New gays-in-the-military education project launched

ATLANTA – The Military Education Initiative is a new, Atlanta-based, national non-profit project whose mission is to open a dialogue on the topic of gays in the military with America's 27 plus million military Veterans. Coinciding with the ten-year anniversary of the "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy, MEI will reach out to the hundreds of Veterans Service Organizations and Military Associations that represent the Veterans community to enhance their understanding of the gays-in-the-military issue.
To this end, MEI will distribute a special Resource Guide providing detailed responses to 64 of the most frequently asked questions relating to military service by gays and lesbians. The Guide, located on MEI's website, addresses questions pertaining to privacy, unit cohesion, and the experiences of foreign militaries. The MEI website also contains a first-ever survey designed to gather information from Veterans who want to participate in efforts to positively reach out to other Veterans.
The Servicemembers Legal Defense Network (SLDN) applauded the creation of MEI. "The united voice of America's Veterans will be instrumental in effecting change in our military," said SLDN Executive Director C. Dixon Osburn. "Veterans have already won many battles for our nation. With their help, we can also win the battle to end discrimination against LGBT men and women in uniform."
