
New play challenges stereotypes

By BTL Staff

DEARBORN – In a split second, your life can change. Just ask Levar Penningsworth, an African-American man who gets caught in the wrong place at the wrong time.
Originally conceived as a short story exercise, "Dislocations" has been adapted by the author into a one-act play, with a cast of colorful supporting characters.
"'Dislocations' is an examination into hyper reality," said Cornelius Fortune, local journalist and author. "This wouldn't exactly happen in our world, but it's not completely fantasy. Everyone's been lost before in a city they've never been in, or a road they shouldn't have turned on. As a writer of dark fantasy, I'm intrigued by the idea of fear and shared emotion. Fear is the one thing that binds us as living beings."
Levar Penningsworth is having a really bad day, and the day gets even worse during a fit of road rage that leads him to a world he could hardly have imagined – all he wants to do is get home. But out of gas and hopelessly lost in a small suburb where he is an outsider, he wonders just how possible it's going to be for him to return home unscathed. He meets two characters, one of whom can get him the gas he needs to get out of town, but will he give it to him?
"Dislocations" is a horror story without supernatural monsters, vampires or werewolves. It explores the stereotype of the "angry black man," and the consequences of living up to that stereotype. It's a story about America through the lens of an African-American searching for his way home.
